Would you hire someone who admitted to PTSD or stress to the point of being unable to work?
If a person applied for a job, and it was known, or more accurately clinically shown, that the patient suffered from PTSD to the extent that they could not do the job, then no (assuming that that decision does not violate the American's with Disabilities Act).
But, are we talking about hiring someone with known, documented issues, or a current employee who comes forward?
If an employee, who otherwise is a good, productive employee who does his/her job, admits to their employer that the obvious, well known stresses of the job are creating problems for them, and that employer fires them...not only is that ridiculous, but that company may very well be violating law.
I'm not doubting it's happend, but I absolutely believe that in those cases, there had to be something more to it. I mean, think about a situation like that, if an employee was fired (after admitting to suffering psychologically and wanting treatment) and then went the legal route and sued for wrongful dismissal/termination. How could that company defend itself in the eyes of a jury (assuming it got that far), or the public for that matter? If you knew a company treated their people with that kind of callous disregard for the well-being of their employees, would you want to work for them?
I saw guys in the military who "silently suffered" - the keyword there being "suffered." I understand the fear of opening about these things, but I would never advise someone to NOT come forward.