45 y/o m post dialysis, scheduled customer and we transport goon a few times a week, bp of 90/40 and dropping, BLS truck so can't get a line or ekg, keeps going in and out of consciousness. Transported to ER which was less than 3 minutes away, coded 30 seconds after we dropped him off, they brought him back after a shock, fluid bolus and dopamine helped stabilize him. The dialysis clinic hasn't checked his bp in the last 30 minutes, if we weren't there and didn't do our job correctly he would've coded on the way home would've been 5-10 minutes before als and probly wouldn't have noticed right away. We saved that guys life. He was discharged a few days later, no deficiencies.
This was the easiest, best job I've ever had in my entire life, writing a report during a 20+ minute transport was cake, taking vital signs every 15 was a joke. I got to drive around and get to know my city better than most people. Learned a lot from stone really good people, lessened a lot about medications and history and how they relate. I could go on and on. That job is what you make of it, people just don't know how to see the good and positive.