NAAAA, you're just for being told where, what and how to breath or even if you can breath at all. Sorry, socialized medicine is worse than our current medicaid system. It often decides who lives or dies through selective intervention. I have 3 aussie friends who had 2 choices for their cancer treatment in the last 2 years...the one they were handed or buy it themselves!! I have several friends and family of friends in Canada who had the same thing happen. Either they weren't allowed treatment or, diagnosis was too slow to enable proper treatment. Several died over the years because they could not get treatment. In fact, one died recently, at the age of 43 because he wasn't diagnosed early enough. Age limitations placed on screening left him to die even though he paid high taxes for his insurance like everyone else. NO...sociaized medicine isn't a good idea. It's costly and people die.
"Free" society means we have choices and make our own decisions...including the freedom to vote and have our say in politics/policies. Granted, politics always screws things up but, we're still more solid than 99% of the rest of the world.
We vote without fear of fine or punishment because we are free. No one fines us or forces us. We vote, don't vote, it's a choice but, I am not interested in any opinion from someone who does not bother to cast their's. I'd bet that half the people demanding to be handed a freebie, doesn't bother to vote or isn't a citizen and has no right to make any demands. The other half deserve to be heard.
Those who cannot do for themselves, we help here. There are already social programs in place. Can we expand? Yes...some. Should we, to an extent. Those who won't or we don't owe anything to, we have no obligation to help nor should we help! Those who can, ought to darned well be taking care of their own family members. I will gladly help support their needs if, it enables a family to keep a loved one at home whenever possible. We need that option available. It isn't possible for some families and we should help. For the rest, it's just plain ole selfishness. Guess if they can afford it of course but, don't ask me to pay for it. It is NOT the govt.'s (tax payers) responsibility to take care of our's ours! I would be glad to expand any financial/healthcare program that puts family first. Billions could be saved if people would just take care of their own! We've been spoiled and lazy for the last 45 years..... too busy taking vacations and buying bigger houses and televisions to give a tinkers damn about those who helped build our great country. Change really does need to begin at home.