why me???


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I had to do the parent career day BS for my nephew (for some reason his moms Homelife is boring as he puts it)

And I quote "This is my Aunt Kat and shes walking cucumber but she also does ambulance driving on the side"

Im in the Guard need I say more?? as for the Ambulance driver my response was
"Good afternoon kids, while you are being told I am an ambulance driver that couldnt be further from the truth We dont drive am,bulances we are a shrink for the mental people, we are a drug fix for fiends, we kiss boo boos on children, and we are a guarenteed ride of transport for the drunks, we also get you into the er..." I got that far before he pipes up "you forgot to mention that your mean, and that your a butt spanker and that you cook and your our maid" *Lifts a brow* I should have strangled him
I'm sorry, but that is funny. :D
haha...that would have really irritated me, mainly because many are ignorant to what EMS really is, and explaining (esp. to small children) sometimes just makes it worse...
I would have had a hard time not stranling my own son, but your nephew, that took will power. LOL I wish we had an icon that rolled side to side laughing, it would be perfect.:regular_smile:
Kids, can't live with them, nor without them. :shades_smile: They come up with the most off the wall sayings! Gotta love them.
They really do. About 2 weeks ago my husband was at the store with my 19 mo waiting to be checked out, this older lady came up and was fussing over him saying how cute he was, he points at her and says "***". I almost fell out when I heard about it, we were so :embaressed_smile: Its my fault though I say that pretty regularly. What are some other things yalls kids have done?
I dont have kids yet...but Im the baby of the family so my siblings have kids and Im the family's designated babysitter..... Now I think the best instance was when my bestfriend who is like a sister to me daughter got ill... to them Im Aunt Kat anyhow Shell was 3 and she gets clingy

she had been vomiting and I was monitoring that her vitals her temperature while Manda made a few calls....so I saw how many times she got sick anyhow we get to Palmetto richland which has a killer pediatrics and finally get called in... below is the conversation word for word. this is after I set down Michelle

"Good afternoon Im Doctor anderson, seems we have a bit of a sick child"
Amanda:Yes she hasnt been feeling well
Anderson: Ah, has there been vomiting and if so how many times?
*At this point Amanda looks at me*
Me:Well she threw up once in the bedroom, twice in the bathroom again in the hallway and out in the living room.... shes also running a lowgrade fevber
Dr:What are you her Mother?

And the moment you have been waiting for...Michelle
"Uh huh dats my mommy and dats my mommy cuz I gots two mommys and a perm donor dats kinda like a daddy"

The man got this look on his face....I believe he thought we were lesbians he followed us out kept watching ect.....
When you hit 500 posts, your title can be forum cucumber... :P
Dont you just love kids??


Jons title "Forum idiot"

heh Jon your forum called they is missing their... oh wait thats breaking the rules but yanno something I do like Jon so I may tease but hes an absolute doll... for the record
Lol I can see the look on the Docs face when she said that. thats one of those hand on forehead eyes closed head shakes.

Hey, you have the rollie icon, can it be installed in our icon bank? That might be a really retarded question, but I not as computer savy as Id like to be.
This happened 16 years ago, when my son was around 2 years old during my first wonderful marriage (Yea right) :rolleyes: :

My son was downstairs playing in the living room, my Ex was doing something in the kitchen (a VERY rare occassion) & a friend & myself were doing some plumbing in the 2nd flr bathroom. The Ex flipped out, started screaming @ my son, telling him to go to his room for the remainder of the day, I hear these little footsteps coming every so slowly up the steps & little cries. Needless to say my son went to his room, & the Ex was still yelling about something, finally when she was down, We hear this little voice saying "f*&k you mommy, you a a$$."

Clear as day these words were spoken from my son's mouth. My friend & I both are rolling on the bathroom floor laughing so hard, but trying to keep the laughter down so my son didnt hear us. I went into to his room, He looked up at me with the most fearful expression. I picked him up & calmy explained it was not good for him to use those words at all. I didnt ground him, or smack his butt for it, simply because his Mother has a trash mouth & it was what he was so used to hearing from her.

To this day, when I have a "down moment", I sit back & think about that day & get a good laugh from it.