Whole class relied on a test.

well call me the devil's advocate...

i took my emt-b online. the final was a grab-bag of exactly the same test questions i took after every chapter.

i averaged 93 over 38 chapters and guest what i got on the final...


passed my NR in 75 questions.

Bro, i'm sorry you failed. Take it online at trainingdivision.com It will cost you $1,000. If you are motivated, you can finish the class and redo your clinicals in a total of 30 days. Since it is summer, i am sure you don't have any high school responsibilities to weigh you down.

but you'll have to come to texas to do your skills and clinicals! Then you have to wait on texas state certification before you are able to gain reciprocity in your home state.

If test taking is your achilles heel, then maybe you should spend time with a learning tutor/coach or one of those sylvan learning centers and figure out what you need to focus on to get past your particular hurdle.

Sorry you aren't finding any sympathy on the board... you'll get none from me either.

I don't want an EMT that can't pass the final working on ME! Sack up and get it done. Or pick something else. No honor lost in that. Good luck!

If test taking is your achilles heel, then maybe you should spend time with a learning tutor/coach or one of those sylvan learning centers and figure out what you need to focus on to get past your particular hurdle.

I second this sentiment. I've known some very intelligent people that simply couldn't take standardized tests. There are coaches and tutors out there.

Hang in there, study your material, find a coach, take practice tests, and try again.
Thank you

Hey guys I want to thank everyone for taking the time to write back. You guys gave me some great advice that I will take into my next class that starts in September. To answer some questions out of 15 people 3 passed and only 1 got through the practicals at states. I do not blame it on my class at all though. I feel as if I could have read and taken more Patrice tests throughout the class. This time I will make sure that I read every chapter and review them frequently. Again thanks for all the advice and this is what I want to do and will work as hard as I can and wont give up!
I am from Pennsylvania and back in the day.... like 94'... we had to pass both a local written and practical before we could go on to take the State exams. So yes, that is just the way it is. I totally understand being very upset but like others have said... if you can't pass the local written chances are you won't pass the State exam either.

Just study a little bit more.... try different study techniques to help engrain the material in your head... and re-test if that is an option. Can you re-test?
20% pass rate on class final test?
33% pass rate on state test, of the 20% that managed to pass the class final?

Sounds like there might be a instructor issue, not a student issue. Has this happened before?
^This person has the right attitude.

20% pass rate on class final test?
33% pass rate on state test, of the 20% that managed to pass the class final?

Sounds like there might be a instructor issue, not a student issue. Has this happened before?

I agree.
Sorry this happened to you but it's all part of being an adult. As others have indicated, yes they are allowed to keep you from being able to take the state cert. if you failed the class. I pretty certain that passing the class in order to take certs is common in most states. My school requires us to maintain an 80 average in order to pass. If you make below 80 on a test, you get ONE retake and that's it. Keep in mind that different schools and states have different requirements.

Take the class and try again. If nothing else you'll know more about what to expect. Good luck!

20% pass rate on class final test?
33% pass rate on state test, of the 20% that managed to pass the class final?

Sounds like there might be a instructor issue, not a student issue. Has this happened before?

Wow... Yeah when you fail it's your issue. When your class fails it's the instructors issue...

I'd seriously be demanding a refund-reporting the instructor.
Wow... Yeah when you fail it's your issue. When your class fails it's the instructors issue...

I'd seriously be demanding a refund-reporting the instructor.

In a way. The instructor should had failed them out before reaching the State tests. This is one of the way to ensure high pass rate on the NREMT and State Cert exams. Make the last final test the hardest one ever, those that pass get to take the cert exam and those that don't.. well maybe next time. All the mean time the Instrucotr percentage never changes.

One of the oldest tricks there is....

Then there are classes, that for some reason or another, that just can never get it... no matter how hard or who teaches them.

R/r 911
In a way. The instructor should had failed them out before reaching the State tests. This is one of the way to ensure high pass rate on the NREMT and State Cert exams. Make the last final test the hardest one ever, those that pass get to take the cert exam and those that don't.. well maybe next time. All the mean time the Instrucotr percentage never changes.

One of the oldest tricks there is....

Then there are classes, that for some reason or another, that just can never get it... no matter how hard or who teaches them.

R/r 911

Haha, that's very true.. I remember Leaving a shooting profeciency test after the third person fired a round in an unsafe direction during a time when no one was supposed to be firing...

Some times the stars just align and you get a bad class.
My school requires us to maintain an 80 average in order to pass. If you make below 80 on a test, you get ONE retake and that's it.

Yeah with us it was like that aswell, except you could fail a test as long as your average was mantained above 80
My medic final was pass/fail- you're out. That's a whole year's worth of work. Sure, you could repeat that last semester (and we did have one person in our class that failed from last year) but considering it's a full year later, was it more helpful or harmful? Oh well.
