
Forum Probie
I am doing my clinical rotations part of my emt basic training. I've been doing them at my local fire station and I have not been getting calls. The shift and station I've been with tends to get 10-15 calls a 24 your shift. But when I work we only get 1 or 2. The problem is I have to have 5 transports before I can finish my course. Don't get me wrong. Being a white cloud is great but I really want to finish my training. I have already worked 96 hours and I have only gotten 3 transports.
Is there some kind of way to get more calls?
We have tried everything. We say the Q word. I've worked full moons. We have gone to sit down restaurants. We even made a really good meal that took all day to cook. Nothing seems to get calls. The guys that work there have even started saying the Q word in hopes to get calls for me.
What do I do???


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Then scuff them up and do it again.

Or, take a shower and thoroughly soap up. That's when the calls come.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
You do understand that this is all in fun and games, right? There is nothing you can do to make them happen, short of go out to play in traffic. (And it's hard to work on yourself)

You're not getting calls because you "need" them. It's the old "watched pot never boils" thing. The minute you leave, that station will run 10 awesome calls in a row and you'll be cursed from one end of the county to the other. "It's that dam students fault!"

In the meantime, study your book, enjoy the downtime and have fun.
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Forum Probie
You do understand that this is all in fun and games, right? There is nothing you can do to make them happen, shortbof goi grout to play I traffic. (And it's hard to work on yourself)

You're not getting calls because you "need" them. It's the old "watched pot never boils" thing. The minute you leave, that station will run 10 awesome calls in a row and you'll be cursed from one end of the county to the other. "It's that dam students fault!"

In the meantime, study your book, enjoy the downtime and have fun.
That's what I've been doing. The medics love me since we are not busy and I have learned a lot from talking to them. I try to study but always get distracted by the guys. They are all super nice and love telling stories. I love being there but I want to finish my studies so I can get certified.


Forum Crew Member
5 transports? Oh wow.

Only suggestion I have is to pick up more clinicals. I unfortunately was a white cloud during EMT school as well. I got plenty of calls, patients, and transports - just nothing good. I even did 13 rides, when we were only required to do 6. Now I'm first semester paramedic school and I'm a bit of a black cloud.


Forum Deputy Chief
I am doing my clinical rotations part of my emt basic training. I've been doing them at my local fire station and I have not been getting calls. The shift and station I've been with tends to get 10-15 calls a 24 your shift. But when I work we only get 1 or 2. The problem is I have to have 5 transports before I can finish my course. Don't get me wrong. Being a white cloud is great but I really want to finish my training. I have already worked 96 hours and I have only gotten 3 transports.
Is there some kind of way to get more calls?
We have tried everything. We say the Q word. I've worked full moons. We have gone to sit down restaurants. We even made a really good meal that took all day to cook. Nothing seems to get calls. The guys that work there have even started saying the Q word in hopes to get calls for me.
What do I do???

Forgive me, but since I don't know where you ride, as a potential matter of survival, I need to know: Are you really asking which rituals will get you more calls?


Forum Probie
Forgive me, but since I don't know where you ride, as a potential matter of survival, I need to know: Are you really asking which rituals will get you more calls?
Lol. Yes. Or something. I don't know what to do. I've done triple the needed hours and still not enough transports or calls.


Forum Deputy Chief
Lol. Yes. Or something. I don't know what to do. I've done triple the needed hours and still not enough transports or calls.

LifeSaver98, I see you're 18. I think I have socks older than that, so I'll try really hard to look at this as one of those magical moments when I can change the world, one EMT at a time.

About those rituals: That's not how any of this works. Seriously.

Getting more calls: Ride more. Volunteer or take a second job. Or just wait for the odds to even out. Ask for an extension from your instructor if you must.

Your screen name: Did someone pick "LifeSaver98" for you, or was that your idea?

EMS in general: I'm pretty sure it's not how you think it is. Do you really want to do this?


Forum Probie
LifeSaver98, I see you're 18. I think I have socks older than that, so I'll try really hard to look at this as one of those magical moments when I can change the world, one EMT at a time.

About those rituals: That's not how any of this works. Seriously.

Getting more calls: Ride more. Volunteer or take a second job. Or just wait for the odds to even out. Ask for an extension from your instructor if you must.

Your screen name: Did someone pick "LifeSaver98" for you, or was that your idea?

EMS in general: I'm pretty sure it's not how you think it is. Do you really want to do this?
I know none of the rituals actually work. And I've already asked for an extension and I'm currently doing as many shifts as I can as often as I can. I love doing this I just don't like sitting around all day. This is defiantly what I want to do however. I've always wanted to do this. I love calls. I love the station. The family. I love every minute of it and at the end of my shift I honestly don't want to go home.
And screen name I chose my self. I have saved multiple lives and assisted several other people in bad situations before help arrived. I have done more on my own than during rotations.


Forum Probie
5 transports? Oh wow.

Only suggestion I have is to pick up more clinicals. I unfortunately was a white cloud during EMT school as well. I got plenty of calls, patients, and transports - just nothing good. I even did 13 rides, when we were only required to do 6. Now I'm first semester paramedic school and I'm a bit of a black cloud.
I am doing as many clinicals as I can. I have already signed up for extras in hope I can get my transports. And at least you got some patients. My first er rotation was a 16 hour rotation at the bussiest er in our area. The ER normally has 20+ people waiting. No joke. When I worked we had 5 people max at a time and maybe 10 total. It was a very slow night.


Forum Deputy Chief
I know none of the rituals actually work. And I've already asked for an extension and I'm currently doing as many shifts as I can as often as I can. I love doing this I just don't like sitting around all day. This is defiantly what I want to do however. I've always wanted to do this. I love calls. I love the station. The family. I love every minute of it and at the end of my shift I honestly don't want to go home.
And screen name I chose my self. I have saved multiple lives and assisted several other people in bad situations before help arrived. I have done more on my own than during rotations.

Ok, no problem, I get it.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
And screen name I chose my self. I have saved multiple lives and assisted several other people in bad situations before help arrived. I have done more on my own than during rotations.
There is no way to get more calls. There is however a way to develop humility.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
When I was doing my field time for my EMT class I was at one of the busiest stations in the valley. Day one I only ran 2 calls in 12 hours. Day two I ran 14 calls in 12 hours. There's nothing you can do other than show up ready to learn and run calls. You'll get a busy day.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
go buy some new pants... and a clean white shirt


Forum Probie
When I was doing my field time for my EMT class I was at one of the busiest stations in the valley. Day one I only ran 2 calls in 12 hours. Day two I ran 14 calls in 12 hours. There's nothing you can do other than show up ready to learn and run calls. You'll get a busy day.
I hope so. Even when half the city was out of service we still got no calls for our 24 hour shift. I've done 3 24 hour shifts a d 3 12 hour ones and I've only gotten like 6 calls and 3 transports.


Forum Deputy Chief
Sometimes it just happens. My last few shifts I am averaging a call every hour and a half (this includes vent transfers etc). Last night I worked for 10 and we had two calls and a disregard. We sat from 1900-0030 with 30ish minutes of nothing at all going out on the radio at a time. **** happens sometimes.