When and When not to start IVs/saline Locks.

I know. Just trying to point out that the protocols only mention access, and to most *cough* fire *cough* medics thats a full blown liter. (ALS-Fire based system)...

I can't say that I see where it matters whether medics work in a fire based system or in an EMS only system. Some of the best medics I've worked with are in fire departments and some of the worst have been from EMS only squads. Don't discriminate.

Look up the current thinking on the patho of CHF to see why fluid may actually be indicated in HF.

I did, and wasn't able to find anything to support fluid therapy in CHF patients. Perhaps you could post a link or two supporting that?
Often times in EMS a IV in general is to establish access incase something becomes worse, Generally if you are going ALS a PT you will start a IV unless your being lazy (witch we are all guilty of)....

On the subject of ABD pain, we are required to preform 12-leads on them to rule out MI because sometimes, its referred pain.
And by the way, there's no real cost difference between a 500ml bag and a 1000ml bag of NS. :)