What was your last call?

Transport of a stemi from a hospital that is little more than a clinic to the big hospital.
NH call for 85 Y/O female with sudden onset of swollen neck w/ diff swallowing.

Call for Syncope, Upon arrival Pt. GOA.

Angulated R midshaft humeral fx s/p fall. Had to conscious sedate and manipulate it into anatomical position so we could get her into the rig.
500+ lb lift assist...
About 9:30 this am 312lbs 60y/o man who hadnt gotten up from his arm chair since last night, pants around his ankles whos 6 wk old pacemaker/defibrillator gave him a shock around 7 am. Yup he was nasty dirty!
Thursday... Motorcyclist on a crotch rocket, dropped his bike on a corner. Only had a lot of abrasions nothing too serious.
charlie response to breathing problems on highway entrace ramp. i bls'd in and was told they would be sending a medic truck to come available. ended up being an asthma attack. and at my other job today had a code 4 which in dorney language means a lifegaurd had to jump in and i have to do the paperwork
Early Friday morning, 35 y/o female assault victim. She took a punch in the face from a “friend” and ended up with a possible fractured snoot. Resulted in lots of blood and lots of screaming. She called both me and the police officers in attendance lots of bad names. Care to guess why? Lots of EtOH.

I’m enjoying the last of my 4 days off and I'm back on the truck tomorrow for a 24 starting at 0800.
35 yo male MVA 60 mph vs tree 2 foot intrusion into the cab altered mental status hip back pain, poss. loc on location and enrt uneven pules 1 in lac on forehead
Last night, It was a medical alarm to find no one home, but the place was in complete squalid. the only residents we saw were abused, malnourished kittens. we gave them water and they drink feverishly. there was no cat food or litter box. the kittens were using the bathroom as a litter box. but it was a scrote residence. the name on the mailbox was a well known super scrote name.

I had an easy night last night. I am sure I won't be so lucky tonite.
About 3 am this morning. 65 y/o with chest pressure on the right side. No difficulty breathing, no N/V, no diaphoresis. BP initially 220/122, pulse 100, resp 20, O2 sat 98% on RA, BS 138 mg/dl. 12 lead showed T wave inversion in II, III, AVL, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 and ST depression in III, V3, V4, V5. Frequent PVCs. Put him on 15L NRB, 18 gauge IV @ KVO, ASA 324 mg PO, NTG 0.4 mg SL, Lidocaine 100 mg IV. BP down to 180/94 on arrival, pulse 74, resp 20, O2 sat 98%. Only history is smoking. NKA, no meds. Pt admitted for AMI.