You should have been given a list to give to your personal/school physician but when I did mine they asked for TB/hep's/and tetanus among a few others.
I'm not sure if any shots are required. I'm not certain about privates or hospitals, as my ambulance runs out of a fire company, but not only are shots not required, they aren't allowed to suggest them. I asked an EMT instructor I know from a county over about it and I voluntarily got hepatitis and meningitis shots.
EDIT: Actually, I think it may be required to have your tetanus shots, but that's true for more than just EMS.
The shots required depend on the agency, the EMS Agency, and perhaps also state regulations. A two step TB test is common, it's more sensitive than the one step. Also the usual other vaccinations are suggested, especially the flu vaccine. So check with who you are going to be riding with.