What do you all have on your personal vehicles

The only thing about putting your HAM call sign on a license plate is than anyone can enter it into the FCC database and get your name and address.

I used to carry a well equipped med bag but not anymore since I no longer have time to volunteer. It wasnt uncommon for our station providers to respond POV direct to the scene so it was nice to have a little something to work with until the ambulance arrived.

The only thing I have in the car is GPS and my cell.
I used to have a 4" Star of Life sticker on the back window driver's side. But, I recently purchased and placed a full window see-thru decal with a Star-of-Life with flames.
Not sure if I posted on here.
All I really carry is a face mask as I'm only going to stop for life-threatening accidents. A BP cuff is of little use to me off-duty, as response times are very short. By the time I pull over and get out, a medic unit will probably be pulling up...
A note to start- Yes, i am a Whacker (and proud).

Here are my excuses for having a blue LED lightbar in my back window, a blue strobe and two blue LED dashlights... where i live the roads are constantly constipated by hundreds of bad drivers. Once i flick on my lights, the road parts like the red sea (thank god because respond time is 5 minutes max and i live 7 minutes away). Besides that? A EMS plate in the front and a EMS plate cover in the back. I have a EMS sticker too, i just never took it out of my glove box.

To answer any questions before they are asked-
1. Yes, i have my NJ Permit for Blue Lights.
2. Yes, i am a Whacker.

1. your NJ permit is for a 50 CP light only, it doesn't allow you to have a lightbar in your back window. in fact, you have to have it mounted on the outside of your car for it to be considered "legal.":P

2. It's not just you. Most of Bergen County qualifies as well
(as a paramus born and raised person, i can attest to this)
Since I got rid of my Jeep and now have an old F150... it has my NM EMS plate and that's it.
Oh good lord .... how I am thanful I live where I do.

Lets see, on my car I have four tires.

In the mid 90s ambo did issue stickers with the star of life on them to prevent Officers' cars from being towed from station parking lots but they dont do that aymore.
I have my rescue squad plates, and my officer's plate mounted under my front plate. LED grille lights, and a revolving dash light (it's old but it was my dad's when he joined at 16, and he gave in to me at 16 when I joined and will probly stay in my car long after I stop doing EMS, unless I have a kid that does this as well.

in my car, my jumpkit, SAR vest, turnout gear.
The only thing about putting your HAM call sign on a license plate is than anyone can enter it into the FCC database and get your name and address.

I used to carry a well equipped med bag but not anymore since I no longer have time to volunteer. It wasnt uncommon for our station providers to respond POV direct to the scene so it was nice to have a little something to work with until the ambulance arrived.

The only thing I have in the car is GPS and my cell.
Number one reason why I don't advertise my Call Sign... Most folks won't do much with it, but I'd make someone work for finding my address. Of course, if my car was burglarized, there's plenty of info stating where I live inside...