What color are your gloves in the rig?

We have white trauma gloves (which are thicker for those grusome moments) and our normal gloves are blue.
We use purple Supreno gloves. We're the only service in the area that uses that particular color glove so it's always easy to tell if one of our crews has likely been to a scene recently.
What? They have different colors!?

All we seem to get are white gloves. I think we got a box of powder blue one's on the truck today. Don't know where they came from but I like 'em!:P
Anyway, we are trying to get some more of them ordered. We are at the mercy of the Supply Department at the hospital.:P
We are get some thick blueish/purple gloves. I can't stand them because they are hard to put on. I prefer the KC purple or grey gloves, some how we find them on our ambulance. I don't know how they get there, though.
Someone is probably always getting on the ambulance going, "damn! who stole my personal stash of gloves again?!?!" :P
Ours are purple and some are blue both are latex free and power free.
latex - white (thick, extended cuff)
nitrile - blue (thick, extended cuff) and black (thin, much easier to use, i use them for most of my patients [that i use gloves on, that is.])
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We used the purple nitrile for years, then the hospital changed to a silver/grey nitrile that I like better. Seemed to be as strong but thinner. Since the hospital quit letting us purchase supplies, we're using these baby blue ones. Nice strength etc but the mediums are a bit too large for me and the smalls are too tight.
We used the purple nitrile for years, then the hospital changed to a silver/grey nitrile that I like better. Seemed to be as strong but thinner. Since the hospital quit letting us purchase supplies, we're using these baby blue ones. Nice strength etc but the mediums are a bit too large for me and the smalls are too tight.
That is funny, Bossy, I can't find a glove that fits me either. In the summertime the Lg donot fit me and the Xl are to big.
usually purple. sometimes blue or grey. they're all latex free unless it's the odd box that came from a hospital, but my partner and i get rid of them whenever we find them :rolleyes:
Someone is probably always getting on the ambulance going, "damn! who stole my personal stash of gloves again?!?!" :P
No, I meant they somehow get from the Hosp supply onto our truck somehow ;) :P
No, I meant they somehow get from the Hosp supply onto our truck somehow ;) :P

They happen to fall off the wall, just as the back of your stretcher is passing under the glove holder ^_^
I think at my old service they were whichever ones are cheaper at the time they're purchased. Mostly blue, sometimes purple, on special occasions snot green. Any gray ones were usually stolen from a hospital.
I have my own.

I wear PINK!!!!
I saw someone wearing camoflague gloves yesterday. I'm going to have to ask him where he got them.

Soon we're going to have to wear flack jackets and helmets I'm feelin ;) :p