Stuff I aquired while I was a basic:
AAOS Basic EMT book (forget the edition)
Three EMT-B test preps
EMT-B quick refrence (infomed)
College Level Stuff
I keep all my textbooks, these are the ones that stand out but I also have a really awesome guide for writing everything. Research papers, poetry, letters, everything, AWESOME little book. I also have textbooks for Medical Ethics, Environmental Ethics, several writing and philosphy courses, and a bunch of other crap.
Texts for learning German (taken 3 years total and lived in Germany for a year....and I still suck at it, but I CAN do a patient interview in german

Chemisty Intro
Chemistry for Life Sciences (basicly a mixture of intro, organic, and biochem)
Intro to Org Chem Part 1
Biology (the book I used for my college Org of Life and Diversity of Species classes)
Biology (Ecology)
Aquired for paramedic class and beyond
PALS material
Mosby Paramedic Book
ABLS materials
Paramedic Case Studies
EMT-P Quick Reference (infomed)
ACLS Quick Reference (forgot who made that one)
Dale Dubin EKG Book
A&P for PreHospital Professionals (or something like that)
Misc Crap
Full copy of the State Protocols
Peter Canning's Paramedic and Rescue 471
House of God
Annnnnd I think that's it, atleast all I can recall from the top of my head. All the textbooks are the latest editions to come out. I probably have more but that's all I could think up.