What books in your library?

I can't believe nobody mentioned Rescuing Providence. I''ve really got to leave my cave and do some promoting.
Thom **** et al. wrote this really wonderful little book called People Care about how really good patient-oriented EMS is meant to be done. It seems to be a little bit obscure insofar as I don't hear it recommended much, but it's an easy read and very, very valuable IMO.

It's got some useful tips and some laughs, but the real value is in articulating the right attitude for a provider in this field and the underlying philosophy of what we're doing and why. If you haven't read it I think you should. http://www.amazon.com/People-Career...4102/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1248733215&sr=8-1





On my uni book shelf,

Biology 6th Australian ed.
Chemistry: The molecular nature of matter and change.
Introduction to Organic Organic Chemistry.
Peter Singer's Practical Ethics.
(Mosby's) Paramedic Textbook - useless.
(Mcance & Huether's) Pathophysiology: Bio basis for disease in adults - brilliant
Pharmacology for Healthcare professionals - useless
(Martini) Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology - good for learning, not for reference.
(Mosby's) Basic Dysrythmias - pretty good.
AAOS - Trauma case studies for paramedics - bit on the simple side, good learning resource.
(Malestrom) Current Medical Diagnosis and treatment - fantastic.
Textbook of Medical Physiology.
(Wallace and Statts) Pain Medicine and Management: Just the facts -brilliant
Writing skill in Practice - Healthcare professionals.

I don't own this book but I highly recommend it to all newbies, even some oldies: Sudden Death and the Myth of CPR by Stefan Timmermans. He's a sociologist who spent some time observing resus, interviewing nurses etc and made some pretty interesting observations. It was reviewed in the EMJ and they said it should be required as an introductory text for anyone studying Resuscitation/ALS/BLS etc
:( I wanted to see Rid or Vent's list!

Sasha has Medical Physiology by Guyton. Great book.

Vene peddled it to you too, eh? :P

Yeah, it seemed like a good and well written book from what I read before I lost it.
That it is, the Textbook of physiology in my list is Guytons. It's pretty decent.

I like this thread. It's nerdtastic.

emtbill - all that bio chem, is that pre-med?
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I like this list, I have a few but have been wanting to find more useful ones for leisure reading.
I have all of the textbooks. Many of you have the same books. I think everyone has the Dubin book, Walraven's Basic Arrhythmias, Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets... and on and on.

Some of the others that were mentioned are great. "People Care" from Thom **** is excellent. The AAOS "Sick/Not Sick" patient assessment book is pretty good. ;0

As far as EMS fiction/non fiction goes, I have a HUGE collection. I am proud to own a signed copy of Lt. Moore's "Rescuing Providence", "En Route" from Kelly Grayson, Michael Perry's "Population:451" and at least 30 others. I started my collection in the early 80's when I was a kid with a book called "Shock Trauma" about the University of Maryland's trauma unit. Of course, as a Connecticut native, I have all of Peter Canning's books.
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I just bought "ECG Strip Ease" from Borders just to get some more strips to look at... $40 :wacko:

Was looking at a few other books, but I want to eat this week.
So the ECG Strip Ease book...

Over 600 EKG strips... and comes with a nifty "EKG ruler". Not anywhere near in depth as Dubins book, but I bought it for the strips and not the education.
Bradys EMT-B 10th Edition

I have a A&P 1 book I've been looking through to get more familiar with how everything works, and to sort of get a sense of the class before I take it this year.

I also have some older nursing books from when my mother was in school...

But my library shall be growing with some of the books stated in this thread
Don't have the space or time the patience to list over 300 of them... amazing how many you get when your a teacher..

Don't have the space or time the patience to list over 300 of them... amazing how many you get when your a teacher..


Can you take the time to list a few of the ones that you absolutely could not go without for us rookies that are interested in expanding?
Mosby's Intermediate, Basic, and Paramedic texts
Pharmacology for nursing students (my school's required pharm book)
ALS flip guide
Paramedic drug field guide (tends to stay on my bookshelf now, since my iTouch has Epocrates and Medscape on it)
my A&P I and II books
College Chemistry
College Bio (early bio) books
All of my class notes in binders

And I've got EMS: The Job of Your Life, EMS 2: The Life of Your Job, both Canning books. I'm looking for more reference books to pick up, plus I'll be adding tons more text books in the next handful of years.

As for other books... everything from Dale Brown, to the Star Wars X-Wing series, to Wing Commander, to Tom Clancy... No Star Trek books though
Don't have the space or time the patience to list over 300 of them... amazing how many you get when your a teacher..


"You're a teacher" not "your". :rolleyes:
Stuff I aquired while I was a basic:
AAOS Basic EMT book (forget the edition)
Three EMT-B test preps
EMT-B quick refrence (infomed)

College Level Stuff
I keep all my textbooks, these are the ones that stand out but I also have a really awesome guide for writing everything. Research papers, poetry, letters, everything, AWESOME little book. I also have textbooks for Medical Ethics, Environmental Ethics, several writing and philosphy courses, and a bunch of other crap.

Texts for learning German (taken 3 years total and lived in Germany for a year....and I still suck at it, but I CAN do a patient interview in german :D)
Chemisty Intro
Chemistry for Life Sciences (basicly a mixture of intro, organic, and biochem)
Intro to Org Chem Part 1
Biology (the book I used for my college Org of Life and Diversity of Species classes)
Biology (Ecology)

Aquired for paramedic class and beyond
PALS material
Mosby Paramedic Book
ABLS materials
Paramedic Case Studies
EMT-P Quick Reference (infomed)
ACLS Quick Reference (forgot who made that one)
Dale Dubin EKG Book
A&P for PreHospital Professionals (or something like that)

Misc Crap
Full copy of the State Protocols
Peter Canning's Paramedic and Rescue 471
House of God

Annnnnd I think that's it, atleast all I can recall from the top of my head. All the textbooks are the latest editions to come out. I probably have more but that's all I could think up.