What are hobbies of EMTs and Paramedics?

Drums, building with LEGO bricks, continuing education, etc.
Mountain biking and road cycling
Snowmobiling and drinking beer.
I'm involved with the SCA so I'm learning fencing, archery, and medieval dance. I like to sew, knit, and embroider. I also adopt from and volunteer with Mainely Rat Rescue.
Parachuting...although it's less a Hobbie and more a required training event in my Army Reserve unit, but then again I specifically choose to commute 2 hours down to San Diego every month for drill to stay in an Airborne unit vs the "leg" company 30 min away lol
Parachuting...although it's less a Hobbie and more a required training event in my Army Reserve unit, but then again I specifically choose to commute 2 hours down to San Diego every month for drill to stay in an Airborne unit vs the "leg" company 30 min away lol
I would love to try to jump out a perfectly good airplane
Shooting: Rifle, Pistol and sub-machine gun, not necessarily in that order, also NRA Pistol Instruction.
Love hiking, caving, kayaking, canoeing, volunteering with SAR. Hanging out with other EMTs/Medics, firefighters, fellow SAR personnel.
I do competitive pistol shooting, try to run and exercise when I can. I try to read while I'm at work instead of just ****ing around on my phone or sleeping (not that there's anything wrong with those activities every once in awhile).
I like to collect stuff. Probably my main collection is playing cards. I have both modern rare decks as well as decks over a hundred years old. I also collect knives and flashlights.

Another thing I do is make things with paracord, such as the bracelets.

I also like to play GTA V, watch stuff on Netflix, and read.
I'm a volunteer so EMT is my hobby along with

Vol firefighter
Video games
Working out
Home brewing mead
Part-time farming

I'm a full-time network engineer so I'm also big into computers
Fishing, hunting, shooting, rebuilding old guns, building new scary assault rifles, camping, the gym, prepping for the zombie apocalypse, and generally spending time with my kids doing all of the above things.
I learn languages. I assimilate them. Presently at 14 and counting. No, not particularly fluent; give me a minute to look through a dictionary and reply, but I can get through a conversation.

Anishinaabemowin (local Ojibwe dialect)
Astapori Valyrian
Greek (starting)
High Valyrian
Walking, Forrest treks, SCUBA, Offroading, Music Festivals and Concerts, Cooking and Beers with friends(think this can be classed as a hobby) :)