Use of Personal Equiment while working


Forum Deputy Chief
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I have been reading a lot of threads lately about people buying equipment for use while at work. Do you use personal equipment while at work?

The only things I use are pens from home as I prefer the feel of my own pen over the cheap ballpoint from the supply room.

One of my partners and I were in disagreement about what to do when we need to make a cell call. Company policy states that the Nextel is not to be used for making phone calls, only use the PTT service and for contacting the dispatch landline if they are backed up with PTT calls or if dispatch is to busy to route a call and directs us to call ourselves. Also, we can use the phone feature to contact hospital ERs for Code 2s and Code 3s.

If I need access to a gate at a facility, I PTT dispatch and the call the facility for us, no biggie. But dispatch sometimes asks us to call them via phone. Its usually when we're in the more luxurious facilities where we land our lucrative contracts and they want to keep the beeping and noise to a minimum so when it comes time to renew the contract we can point out that good customer service is key. Also if we're at a receiving facility that is not ready for us and we're delayed, they prefer that question of why we are running late not to be broadcasted to the entire waiting room and staff.

Anyway, when they ask me to do so, I simply call using the nextel. When questioned by a supervisor once as to why I didn't call using a cell phone, I simply stated that I had not been issued a company cell phone (the EMS supervisors are issues cell phones) so since I was requested to call dispatch, it did not violate company policy to make the call. He agreed with me. My partner however, thinks that the right decision is whenever transmitting more sensitive information is to call in to dispatch using a personal cell phone so people around us won't hear (because dispatch didn't request us to use the phone it WOULD be a violation of company policy to call in on the NEXTEL.) I disagreed saying that the NEXTEL was a secure line as as long as the rules of using a normal radio are followed, even if the transmission was intercepted, no PHI is transmitted and that it is perfectly acceptable since that's what FDs do on a daily basis when they contact ERs/Dispatch.

What are your views on using personal equipment/cell phones?

I thought I had posed this question before but a quick search turned up nothing so I thought I would post it as a separate thread this time instead of hijacking!
Ah, Thanks Vent! That was the thread I was the one I think I was sremembering, but I didn't ask the same question. That one was about why I cound't ehar anything on the Nextel! I did mention personal cell phones, but never posed the questions if you guys use personal equipment (not just cellphones) on your runs.

I use my personal cell for work all the time. But, I work nights, so it doesn't cost me anything.
does your nexthell not have a private feature where it turns off the speaker and you use it like a regular phone? every nexthell i had had such a button. worked out hand when you want to have a somewhat private convo.

as far as the use of personal cell phones, i go either way depending on how im being treated that day. if everythings going along fairly mundanely and nobodies giving me a hard time, i'll call in on my cell. but if the dispatchers busting my nuts or treating me unfairly(ever gotten your fourth call while another truck has been sitting doing nothing for that time, all other things being equal?) or if im just aggreavted with the company that day, i wont use my cell and will do my damndest to cajole my partner into doing the same. its great when they call you on the air and tell you to landline.
"ok sir, will do".
10 minutes go by, they call again and ask why you havent called them.
"sir we're on the road and havent made it to a phone yet. we'll call you when we get to xx location"
"dont you have a cell phone?"
"nope. batteries are dead. partner too".
or my personal favorite
"sir, my partner is currently attending to the patient and i dont talk on my cell phone while driving as that could be considered impeding the safe operation of a motor vehicle pursuant to mgl c.90 sec.13 and could result in a minimum of a $250 fine and a maximum of a multiple fatality motor vehicle accident. unless of course you're requesting that i both violate the law and place myself, my partner, our patient and every other motorist at risk." (keep in mind this in on a recorded radio)
does your nexthell not have a private feature where it turns off the speaker and you use it like a regular phone? every nexthell i had had such a button. worked out hand when you want to have a somewhat private convo.

as far as the use of personal cell phones, i go either way depending on how im being treated that day. if everythings going along fairly mundanely and nobodies giving me a hard time, i'll call in on my cell. but if the dispatchers busting my nuts or treating me unfairly(ever gotten your fourth call while another truck has been sitting doing nothing for that time, all other things being equal?) or if im just aggreavted with the company that day, i wont use my cell and will do my damndest to cajole my partner into doing the same. its great when they call you on the air and tell you to landline.
"ok sir, will do".
10 minutes go by, they call again and ask why you havent called them.
"sir we're on the road and havent made it to a phone yet. we'll call you when we get to xx location"
"dont you have a cell phone?"
"nope. batteries are dead. partner too".
or my personal favorite
"sir, my partner is currently attending to the patient and i dont talk on my cell phone while driving as that could be considered impeding the safe operation of a motor vehicle pursuant to mgl c.90 sec.13 and could result in a minimum of a $250 fine and a maximum of a multiple fatality motor vehicle accident. unless of course you're requesting that i both violate the law and place myself, my partner, our patient and every other motorist at risk." (keep in mind this in on a recorded radio)

I agree with Kev, depends on the day and how I'm feeling. If dispatch has it out for us that day, or is making us run all the calls while another car sits there doing nothing.. than I probably won't be using my own cell. But if the day is going well, and I'm in a good mood, than I wont have a problem using my own cell.

We dont use Nextell here, so we have regular radios and regular cell phones in the car. So it really depends on the situation, and how I'm feeling.

Has anyone been asked by dispatch to call 9-11 from a cell phone for an emergency? I was recently...
I used my personal cell phone all the time, as did all of my partners. It isn't right, and I'd be upset if I paid by the minute, but there are a million things I could be upset about not being provided in EMS. Generally feel as though they provide you most everything you need to do your job.

It's far worse as a teacher. I'm expected to call parents any time a student scores below a C, but don't have access to a good phone. I'm expected to provide my own copy paper and most of my school supplies. They provide the desk, I provide the chair. I'm supposed to get a lunch period without any responsibilities, but I'm stuck watching my students at lunch each day. I'm supposed to get a planning period each day, but most of the time I'm required to cover another teacher's class. Does it upset me, absolutely, but I can't change a thing.
I bought my own stethoscope, a good quality one, when I first started as a basic and still have it today. The company tends to go toward the cheaper stethoscopes when they purchase them for the trucks. That is the only thing that I use that is mine.

As for cell phone usage: I use my own when making personal calls and use the companies when I am making a call regarding work.

Take Care,
The only personal equipment I use is my stethoscope because The idea of putting one in my ears that countless other people have just....ICK! I mean I know my company is all clean, thank God, but still it's just gross to me. I do use my own cell phone because I don't really think it's that big of a deal. Yes it would be nice for the company to supply a cellphone, we don't use it enough for it to make sense paying the fee to have it every month.
The only personal equipment I use is my stethoscope because The idea of putting one in my ears that countless other people have just....ICK! I mean I know my company is all clean, thank God, but still it's just gross to me. I do use my own cell phone because I don't really think it's that big of a deal. Yes it would be nice for the company to supply a cellphone, we don't use it enough for it to make sense paying the fee to have it every month.

I use my own stethescope too, her name is Roxy. I also use my own pens, and my own clipboard because they only provide a wooden clipboard, and I have a pink storage clipboard, in it, I store my previous reports, all my licensure so I always have it on me, my penguin post its for quick notes without scribbling all over my SOAP and a bunch of pens.

Im also crazy neurotic about pens, so I use my own. I like black gel ink with a certain kind of grip, must be clicky or it doesnt work.
NEXTEL PTT feature

We have that and were told who held the nine extensions on that "net"...however, as usual, three others are on it and we were not told.
Rule of thumb: don't say on the radio what you can't say around other non-caregiver people. Keeps your transmission short and carries just as much as they need to know. If a cell call would improve service, write a memo or send an email through the company email intranet if you have one.
As for other medical equipment, someone pointed out that if your personal glucometer or Lifepak or whatever is used and the pt sued, you lose-d. (Forced alliteration intentional).;)
Thanks for all of the helpful replies! I have a limited number of minutes on my phone which is enough for me, but not enough to also cover my work dutes!

I use my own stethescope too, her name is Roxy. I also use my own pens, and my own clipboard because they only provide a wooden clipboard, and I have a pink storage clipboard, in it, I store my previous reports, all my licensure so I always have it on me, my penguin post its for quick notes without scribbling all over my SOAP and a bunch of pens.

Im also crazy neurotic about pens, so I use my own. I like black gel ink with a certain kind of grip, must be clicky or it doesnt work.

What is the name of your clipboard? And really? Pink?
I agree with Kev, depends on the day and how I'm feeling. If dispatch has it out for us that day, or is making us run all the calls while another car sits there doing nothing.. than I probably won't be using my own cell. But if the day is going well, and I'm in a good mood, than I wont have a problem using my own cell.

We dont use Nextell here, so we have regular radios and regular cell phones in the car. So it really depends on the situation, and how I'm feeling.

Has anyone been asked by dispatch to call 9-11 from a cell phone for an emergency? I was recently...

I have never been asked by dispatch to call 911 for an emergency. Do you work for an ambulance service?
I've been asked to call 911 before. It's sometimes easier to speak with the agency directly rather than having my private service call them.
I've been asked to call 911 before. It's sometimes easier to speak with the agency directly rather than having my private service call them.

As in you roll up on something out of your territory, or while on a NET call, correct? I've done that before, returning from extended transport, rolled up on a MVC, just called 911 as we were still out of our radio range.

I work nights so I have free minutes on my phone, even still it is dependent on how the night is going and which dispatcher it is. If you ask me to landline you while I'm packaging and ejection or driving RLS, its just gonna have to wait a few. There was the one evil dispatcher who asked me to landline with a bit of an attitude after I said "riiiiiiiiiiiight" in response to a post change. My reply "standby radio, let me find $.35 and a payphone, or you want me to call collect?" She did'nt find it near as funny as everyone else who heard it, I still have the recording of it on my laptop.

My equip - stethescope, shoulder mic for my radio, and a condensed version of the mapbook in the trucks. The maps on the trucks get torn up quickly and having my own ensures that I know all the pages are in there. Plus I can mark new streets, apt complexes, breaker numbers etc.
Thanks for all of the helpful replies! I have a limited number of minutes on my phone which is enough for me, but not enough to also cover my work dutes!

What is the name of your clipboard? And really? Pink?

I havent named my clipboard yet. But yes, Pink. I got it from Walmart It matches my pink spare O2 key :) And my soon to be pink cell phone. (Come on black Friday!)

Maybe Ill name her Molly.
I've been asked to call 911 before. It's sometimes easier to speak with the agency directly rather than having my private service call them.

Well it wasn't a private service, we were taking a C/P with syncopal episode and some other stuff to the hospital when a guy ran out into the street and right in front of the ambulance. He slammed on the breaks and the driver layed on the air horn. It turns out he was crossing the street to go fight some other guys, so we got on the radio and asked if dispatch could contact the code 5's (police) as a fight was about to break out... dispatch came back and said "do you have a cell phone?" we told her we did, so she then said "could you guys call 9-11?"

Neither of us had heard that before lol, so we didn't end up calling becuase I was to busy in the back, and well the driver was driving....
Other than using my cell phone the odd time I use my own stethescope, pen, and note pad for quick notes or vitals or w/e I need to jot down.

When I am doing standby with my private company I have my own jump kit that I use, company stocks it tho. I use my cell to call 9-11 for the ambo, or police, and my own pen, and note pad and junk.

That's really about it...
Stethoscope, sometimes my own pen. I used to have a small black glove (kept non-latex gloves in there since our dept primarily used latex. Therefor I wouldn't have to go back to the truck to don a new pair of gloves) holder attached to my suspenders on my bunker pants.

I usually have my phone on me. Sometimes I'll use it (could be on a call) to speak to some one back at the firehouse directly (regarding our report). Maybe text message/check e-mail on the way back. But never with a patient (again, unless calling receiving medical facility if our radio is out or out of range (MedControl, ie)
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Personal equip.

Stethoscope and BP cuff. I am totally deaf in my left ear from childhood disease and subsequent surgery so I had to buy a really good stethoscope to hear. I would be interested in knowing if they make a stethoscope for people who are HH (hard of hearing). But I digress. I would be hesitant to use a personal cell unless I was on a line that was continuously recorded. If I contacted an ED and got orders to do something I normally might not do in the field I would want my @ss covered with a recording of the call. Just my 2 cents. Ed's record calls but (here in Vegas) only if you go through the hosp switchboard so I would ask them to connect me.