Glad to see how you view your employees.....
Sadly, many people view their employees as replaceable... Treat them like crap, pay them poorly, who cares, they can quit or get fired and I can replace them with a newbie in about 6 minutes. After all insurance doesn't care if the provider has 10 minutes of experience or 10 years.
looker = a reminder why unions are needed.
I work at a non-union site with more than half the employees being union. This is shift work. Recently a shift has opened up that was being held for a service member who decided not to return to the company after coming home from deployment. For the last year it has been filled by a relatively new hire. Since we are non-union, management can fill this shift however they would like. If we unionize the site it would be strictly by seniority.
Now the only other person who wants this pseudo-new shift, besides the guy already working it, is an employee with more seniority but a bad track record (performs poorly, calls out, policy violations). So who gets the shift? The new guy who has been working it for the past year or the poor performer with seniority?
If the employee has such a bad track record, why are they still employed? just because you are union doesn't mean you can't be fired or disciplined; all it means is that you need to be disciplined according to the rules, which are applied evenly to everyone, not because your boss doesn't like you.
I would ask if the position was offered to anyone before the new guy filled it. maybe a more senior guy would want it. After all, just because it was given to the new guy and he did the job well doesn't mean no one else wanted it.
Lets change your scenario a bit: if YOU were the senior guy who had been there for years, always did the job, and the new guy was the bosses son/daughter, who had a bad track record, and was given the shift because of his relationship and because they needed the spot filled and he was the newest guy, and the new guy was given the spot over you, what would your feelings be?
If i find an employee to be really valuable and he/she is worth much more I will either have to pay much more or that employee will likely find a new place to work for better wage, benefits etc.
I throw the BS flag up on this statement. When was the last time you actually paid any employer more than your company's minimum salary when they started? After all, you don't make any more money by having a good employee vs a bad employee.
A company should not have 50 step process to fire someone. It should be pretty simple, a person is not doing his/her job. They get 1 or 2 warning and if they do not start doing what they supposed to they get fired. Why should bad employee be rewarded?
bad employees shouldn't be rewarded, but you shouldn't have a different set of rules for everyone. Union shops HAVE fired people, and will continue to do so. Cross your Ts, dot your Is, people can be disciplined and fired.
Think of it this way: if I work for your company, and 2 hours after my shift ends, and you receive a complaint about me, you can "order" me to come to the office immediately to discuss it. I am already home in bed, so I tell you "no." So you, as the employer decide to terminate me, which you can do as a non-union shop.
If you are in a union shop, the rules would state you need to be given time to defend yourself, have a shop steward present, and actually not be bullied by management. You can still be fired after the investigation is completed, but you have to have a legitimate reason for it being done.
Let me ask this another way. Suppose there 100 qualified people for position, yet because position is unionized I have to pay xx amount when in reality I can easily find same qualified person for x amount. Why should company not be free to fire this person in at will states and replace them with cheaper qualified person?
kinda makes me not want to ask the boss for a raise, or even be given a raise by the boss, because he will think that I am now expensive, and I can be fired and replaced with a new hire who has the minimum qualifications needed to do the job.
As employer my job is to make sure you have as safe of working condition as possible. Available tools that you need to perform your work to the best of your ability etc.
haha, and how many of your fellow employers are failing to do that job on a regular basis, often because it's too expensive or not cost affective? after all, if people complain, you can just fire them and replace them with cheaper staff.
Those employees that go above and beyond are the employees management see that they can't live without and as result willing to pay more to keep them around.
I believe you said everyone is replaceable, often for a cheaper hourly rate.
If there was union employees would not bust their *** because they would still get paid the same, get scheduled pay raise, promotion etc regardless if they go above what they supposed to or not.
or you can just not give raises to anyone, even to those who are busting their ***, and doing everything right because it is more expensive for you and doesn't generate any more revenue for your company. and if they complain, tell them to seek employment elsewhere or just fire them and replace them with a new hire
I'd say most of us give 110% on this job because its our passion and not to get a pay raise.
I would disagree with this statement 100%. And it has nothing to do with if you are unionized or not.
Being union is not about getting ever cent out of the employer and more about due process.
I agree 100%