I think I am going to try and be the first brain transplant surgeon.
So this is what it looks like to me. The powers that be in Tracy, California are probably hoping that everyone gets scared and signs up for the $48 package. That way they can add that to an operating budget. (a sly way to increase taxes I must say)
But lets have a closer look. They cannot ask to raise taxes. Likely nobody would accept that. (assuming your billing the patient) How often does the average person call 911 in their life? You'd be a fool to pay $48 a year.
Unless, you are using 911 as a safetynet because you cannot afford the average $120 for a PCP visit. In which case referring somebody who probably has a stellar credit report (sarcasm) to collections will probably yield you.... Nothing.
Or facing the threat of a $300 bill, those on a fixed income (who probably don't have a spare $48 laying around) will simply not call 911. Ever. When they die, you'll get... Nothing. Unless your city has an estate tax.
You could try billing the caller. In which case people would stop calling 911. When your run volume goes down, it will be really hard to ask for more money to maintain your budget. "You've been doing less and you want the same or more?"
What if people start calling the "home boy" ambulance service and getting no treatment, just a ride to the hospital to cut down on the bill? That completely defies the point of an EMS service.
Those ALS engine companies in Tracy just don't generate the revenue to pay for themselves I guess. Well I guess they can push to start taking over EMS. Of course with a 9 million budget deficit the up front cost might be a bit prohibitive.
I didn't see any ambulances on this operations page, maybe the citizens would be better off calling the local ambulance company directly and cut out 911 all together?
I also wonder how many fires they have a year they need so many engine companies? With 9 locations?
"look skipper, rocks dead ahead..."