Hello all! I'm just about decided on taking my basic classes before going onto medic school next spring, however I'm having some doubts.
There is no doubt in my mind that I will enjoy EMS at some point(maybe not as a basic :glare: ) but at what point in my life will I have enough of EMS??
I'm only 19, so I figure I have a long road ahead of me before I break down but then what? I know there aren't many of you will think EMS is a career, so what do those planning on doing in the other life??? -_-
There is no doubt in my mind that I will enjoy EMS at some point(maybe not as a basic :glare: ) but at what point in my life will I have enough of EMS??
I'm only 19, so I figure I have a long road ahead of me before I break down but then what? I know there aren't many of you will think EMS is a career, so what do those planning on doing in the other life??? -_-