Forum Lieutenant
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Your patient is a 48 year old male who presented to his primary care physician this morning with weakness. He has a history of hypertension, high cholesterol and stents x 6. He is currently taking Zocor, Lisinopril and Plavix. No drug allergies. The physician did a 12 lead which shows a third degree AV block with a ventricular rate of 30 and an atrial rate of 60, QRS complexes are narrow. The patient's skin is pink, warm and dry, lungs are clear and equal, trachea is midline, no JVD is noted. Vitals signs are BP 148/62, pulse 30 and regular, respirations 16 and non-labored, O2 saturation 97% on room air. The physician would like the patient transported to the hospital 20 minutes away, which has a large cardiac center complete with a 24 hr cath lab, EP lab, open heart surgery capability, etc. Upon your arrival, your patient is sitting in a chair. What next?