Guess who's back...
- 894
- 2
- 16
The usual... HPI, OPQRST, SAMPLE, initial vitals, all that happy stuff...
Rx = oxygen, IV NSS KVO, apply the pacer pads just in case the patient decompensates, serial 12-leads, repeat vitals every 5 minutes, continuous reassessment, obtain blood samples if the system permits, treat additonal complaints as they arise, and transport. I'd also probably get out the versed and the atropine and have the unopened meds sitting on the bench seat next to me and at least unzip the compartment that the airway kit is in... no such thing as too prepared.
Rx = oxygen, IV NSS KVO, apply the pacer pads just in case the patient decompensates, serial 12-leads, repeat vitals every 5 minutes, continuous reassessment, obtain blood samples if the system permits, treat additonal complaints as they arise, and transport. I'd also probably get out the versed and the atropine and have the unopened meds sitting on the bench seat next to me and at least unzip the compartment that the airway kit is in... no such thing as too prepared.