Sorry but I do have to make a few corrections to some posts. First of all you can come in as a specialist, that is if you speak to the right recruiter. Though medics or as they are now called "Healthcare Specialists" as the new 68W MOS designates it, can be placed in any type of unit and are considered under the Geneva Convention and International Laws of War as "noncombatants" I can assure you my time in the Infantry I carried a M4 carbine and M9 pistol, and was versed in their use, as well as numerous squad automated weapons.
As for the NonComissioned Officer portion, one can not enlist as a NCO. In order to become a NCO you have to hold the rank of Specialist for 6months and your duty MOS for 2 years. You must then goto a promotion board in which you are asked questions that an NCO should know by your Command Sergeant Major and the First Sergeants in your battalion, please note this is in your dress uniform and if anything is out of placed or you fail to report to the board properly you will be kicked out. After you pass the board you must then make the proper amount of promotion points, which are obtained through awards, Army Physical Fitness Test scores, marksmanship, civilian education, military education and training.
To reiterate what USAF said, I do not believe you are well suited for the military. If you were ever in a fire fight in my section and failed to return fire which resulted in a casualty I would make sure you spent some time in FT Leavenworth. I do not mean to disrespect you or your religious beliefs but you must be willing to return fire if you wish to join any branch of the military.
EDIT: Left out the F6 ASI, you must be a medic with 1 year experience as an E-4, E-5 (non promotable less than 1 year time in grade), pass a class 3 flight physical, have a passing APFT of 240 or higher, GT score of 110. Slots in a unit do not matter AT ALL, in the class they do but they will just start you later. After completion you will be transfered to a aviation unit which may (most likely) result in a Permanent Change of Station.