Thinking about an army career 68w

There a a few comments that are quite uncalled for if you wish to look back. Though I understand you are all voicing your opinions but one post on the subject is all that is really warranted. If you are not going to provide an answer other than restating what you initially stated why bother to post again?
There a a few comments that are quite uncalled for if you wish to look back. Though I understand you are all voicing your opinions but one post on the subject is all that is really warranted. If you are not going to provide an answer other than restating what you initially stated why bother to post again?

No, one opinion is not often enough, when a person is considering a job in the US military which is a life altering decision, many opinions are often needed in order to allow that person to make a wise choice. As a veteran I feel I am a good person to state such an opinion and as an American who defended my flag, I will state my opinion as often as I care to, thank you very much...
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Thanks for the PM Afflix, you are back on my Christmas list...:)
There a a few comments that are quite uncalled for if you wish to look back. Though I understand you are all voicing your opinions but one post on the subject is all that is really warranted. If you are not going to provide an answer other than restating what you initially stated why bother to post again?

When he refuses to learn, sometimes you have to beat him over the head before he gets someone else killed. I have no problem with him getting himself killed if he so chooses, but he deserves no respect for seeking glory or amusement at the potential cost of the lives of those around him because he can't get over some mild hangups because of the way he was raised.
Rule #1 of the military (at least prior to bootcamp): All recruiters are trained, professional liars who will tell you anything it takes to get you to sign up.

I don't particualrly agree with this statement having done recruiting myself.
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Can I get an AMEN brothers in arms. Could not be spoken better, shear brilliance in wording. Might I add one more thing to your wonderful prose, when in combat soldiers do not fight for God and country, they fight for their buddies. If your not willing to do what it takes to save a brethren, then take a look at your understanding of your belief system.

Not to get all biblical and all, but...

Psalm 82:4 Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.

Proverbs 24:11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.

This one is the best, nuff said?

Ezekiel 33 "... 6 'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand.

Point is, even the bible tells you there are times when it is appropriate to take arms...

To whoever quoted text before, quoting a text read the whole chapter.
But thanks to everyone and there opinions I have a lot to research,and think about.
"sounding the alarm" means gun fire?
To whoever quoted text before, quoting a text read the whole chapter.
But thanks to everyone and there opinions I have a lot to research,and think about.
"sounding the alarm" means gun fire?

I think all that has been needed said has been said, so I will leave you with my sincere hope that you find your direction and may be happy in what ever endeavor you choose. One final thought is may you have fair winds and following sea's...:)
To whoever quoted text before, quoting a text read the whole chapter.
But thanks to everyone and there opinions I have a lot to research,and think about.
"sounding the alarm" means gun fire?

Remember this when you join. You are a SOLDIER First... Everybody goes thru Basic Traininng for a reason. You go to AIT after you have become a SOLDIER. IF you decide that the possibilty of defending yourself or others might be in question just dont do it. Medic i was with were issued The same weapons we had. They were expected to do what we did untill they were needed. Just because you are a medic with lets say an MP company, You are not going to be sitting in a truck waiting for someone to get hurt, you will be kicking the door, driving the truck, and many other tasks.
Ever hear the term "the best medicine is preventive medicine"? IF you become a medic with the line, the best preventive medicine is preventing your guys from getting shot at/etc... And the best way to do that is to shoot whatever insurgent first. If you go to a hospital: well whatever, you're never going to use your weapon anyway but you're going to hate cleaning bed pans and drawing blood for 4 years... Btw I never heard of 68wf6... I've heard of m6 which is lvn
Way to bump the thread guys. The OP hasn't even been on the forum since March 22nd.
Just because the OP hasn't been back doesn't mean other people couldn't find this thread useful or informative.
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Btw I never heard of 68wf6... I've heard of m6 which is lvn

It's odd that you haven't heard of that, but F6 is the designator for the flight medics who work on the Army's medical helicopters. I've always seen it written as 68W(skill level code)/F6 though.
There are several identifiers for medics.
As a SPC if i was a flight medic i would be a 68w10F3

This is right off the 68w amedd website.

Recently, the Army approved changing the 68W Flight Medic Program to an Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) producing course. Effective 1 November 2010, 68W Soldiers that complete the Flight Medic Course conducted by USASAM at Fort Rucker, AL, will now be awarded ASI “F3,” Aeromedical Evacuation (Rotary Wing). This initiative will enable the Army Medical Department to more effectively manage Soldiers with this critical skill set, ensuring Soldiers with ASI F3 are properly assigned and utilized in Flight Medic positions. This is especially important in the future as our Air Ambulance Companies increase their capacity from 12 to 15 helicopters, and our authorizations for Flight Medics increase from 325 to 490 in the Active Army between now and FY16. Implementation instructions for this change can be found in Notification of Future Change (NOFC) E-1010-19 in the electronic DA Pam 611-21 smart book at
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Sorry but I do have to make a few corrections to some posts. First of all you can come in as a specialist, that is if you speak to the right recruiter. Though medics or as they are now called "Healthcare Specialists" as the new 68W MOS designates it, can be placed in any type of unit and are considered under the Geneva Convention and International Laws of War as "noncombatants" I can assure you my time in the Infantry I carried a M4 carbine and M9 pistol, and was versed in their use, as well as numerous squad automated weapons.

As for the NonComissioned Officer portion, one can not enlist as a NCO. In order to become a NCO you have to hold the rank of Specialist for 6months and your duty MOS for 2 years. You must then goto a promotion board in which you are asked questions that an NCO should know by your Command Sergeant Major and the First Sergeants in your battalion, please note this is in your dress uniform and if anything is out of placed or you fail to report to the board properly you will be kicked out. After you pass the board you must then make the proper amount of promotion points, which are obtained through awards, Army Physical Fitness Test scores, marksmanship, civilian education, military education and training.

To reiterate what USAF said, I do not believe you are well suited for the military. If you were ever in a fire fight in my section and failed to return fire which resulted in a casualty I would make sure you spent some time in FT Leavenworth. I do not mean to disrespect you or your religious beliefs but you must be willing to return fire if you wish to join any branch of the military.

EDIT: Left out the F6 ASI, you must be a medic with 1 year experience as an E-4, E-5 (non promotable less than 1 year time in grade), pass a class 3 flight physical, have a passing APFT of 240 or higher, GT score of 110. Slots in a unit do not matter AT ALL, in the class they do but they will just start you later. After completion you will be transfered to a aviation unit which may (most likely) result in a Permanent Change of Station.

i was going to respond, but this guy nailed it all right on the head. don't join, or if you just have to, look into the USCG. sounds more like your style
i was going to respond, but this guy nailed it all right on the head. don't join, or if you just have to, look into the USCG. sounds more like your style

Even the Coast Guard deploys and in times of peace are way more likely to use lethal force than an infantryman.
I was a former Navy Hospital Corpsman, some of the jobs I've had have been a ward corpsman (in patient stuff), medical supply warehouse, laboratory technician, x-ray technician, and independent duty corpsman.

I have deployed with the Marines, I have been deployed with the Navy (Persian Gulf 1988).....all along, I have been the one to treat wounded.

All this rambling to say, if threatened....I would not hesitate to take a life (or injure) so SHOOT-DISARM-then TREAT the patient. I did take an OATH to uphold, support & defend. My Commander-in-Chief is the President whether I like it or not. I have given orders and received orders, to which I've acted upon them, whether I like them or not.

IMHO, the military is not a place for a conscientious objector. That's my two-cents worth.

I applaud you for your beliefs and your willingness to stand up for them, but best feel that you're suited in some place other than the military services. God bless you in what ever you choose.
Just an fyi F6 slots are open, there is one or two slots that were given to the 232 Med bn for the students....
Question to the original OP

What are your reasons for considering joining? Is it to serve your country? Just asking because you can get a much better job. I mean you are already a paramedic. I'm currently serving and have been in for 11 years as a Emt. Just curious.