The "Whats Your Name" Campaign

but for the rest of you, whats your name?

Linda here.

I see you already know my friend Louie. Louie Lama.

It's a household name.
Annemarie to family, (pronounced with a strong new england accent into Amarie) Annie to people I like.

What about to people you don't like? :P
Mine is the one that habitually follows the emdash after the "Later!" at the end of each post.


I change pictures like I change my underwear! Haha! I have a bunch to use.
I do too.

It's been about 6 months. Maybe I need to use another pair.
A.K.A MsViceGrip
A.K.A oneluv
Tim, my username says that I am an EMT in Australia and born in 1980
deleted for being stupid
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Bond, James Bond
Mark here.. I seem to respond to "Hey You!" more tho.