The Walking Dead


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Anyone else watch the show and think that the third season has been awesome so far?
I still want Carl to die.
I still want Carl to die.

Thank you. At first I learned to excuse his reckless behavior because he was a "kid"....but as the series progresses I've come to realize that this "kid" is more of a liability than an asset. He's bound to do something stupid and put himself in a bad situation. I bet his actions lead to another one or two deaths.
Thank you. At first I learned to excuse his reckless behavior because he was a "kid"....but as the series progresses I've come to realize that this "kid" is more of a liability than an asset. He's bound to do something stupid and put himself in a bad situation. I bet his actions lead to another one or two deaths.

When they were on the farm I wished his death every episode because the only thing he would do was cause problems. In this season I'm giving him a break (so far) since he seems to have grown up rather quickly.

How about that hack job Rick did on Hershel? Another EMT buddy and I had a pretty good debate about how much time it would take before the "toxin" got from the entry wound to his heart and circulate around his body.
When they were on the farm I wished his death every episode because the only thing he would do was cause problems. In this season I'm giving him a break (so far) since he seems to have grown up rather quickly.

How about that hack job Rick did on Hershel? Another EMT buddy and I had a pretty good debate about how much time it would take before the "toxin" got from the entry wound to his heart and circulate around his body.

haha, I'm pretty sure if he had taken another 30 second befor chopping off the leg, hershel would've turned.
Thank you. At first I learned to excuse his reckless behavior because he was a "kid"....but as the series progresses I've come to realize that this "kid" is more of a liability than an asset. He's bound to do something stupid and put himself in a bad situation. I bet his actions lead to another one or two deaths.

Second half of last season: "Carl, stay in the house." [15 minutes later] "WHAR CARL WHAR!?!"

When they were on the farm I wished his death every episode because the only thing he would do was cause problems. In this season I'm giving him a break (so far) since he seems to have grown up rather quickly.

How about that hack job Rick did on Hershel? Another EMT buddy and I had a pretty good debate about how much time it would take before the "toxin" got from the entry wound to his heart and circulate around his body.

The problem is that he's still doing stupid things. The entire
"Here's some medical supplies I went and found to fix the old guy who got bit... but don't worry, I killed two walkers" line.
isn't helping him very much.

In regards to the toxin, there is no toxin. Everyone's infected, everyone with an intact brain reanimates after death. What kills people from the bite is the infection from having rotting flesh pushed into a wound, not the toxin. Oh, and the revision on that BKA is going to be hell.
I waiting for them to rip a walker out during the C section
I love walking dead, it's got to be one of the best zombie themed programs I've ever watched. I do agree on the Carl bit, he's always going off doing something he shouldn't be. Like when he went to the swamp and agitated the walker that ended up killing dale. This season seems like it'll be more intense, and I'm stoked to see what they have in store. It's nice that Rick has become even more of a badass, it was pretty awesome
seeing him put that machete through the inmates head.
Ahhh for gods sake some of us haven't seen it yet. This thread needs a spoiler warning lol

I like it but season 2 was awful, too much drama/zombie violence that gets in the way of progressing the story even further.

I'm hopeful for season 3 and so far its not doing anything bad but soon it will hit the same rut like season 2 and I'll probably give up.
Second half of last season: "Carl, stay in the house." [15 minutes later] "WHAR CARL WHAR!?!".

I like it but season 2 was awful, too much drama/zombie violence that gets in the way of progressing the story even further.


In regards to the toxin, there is no toxin. Everyone's infected, everyone with an intact brain reanimates after death. What kills people from the bite is the infection from having rotting flesh pushed into a wound, not the toxin. Oh, and the revision on that BKA is going to be hell.

I've never heard it explained like that before and it makes perfect sense.
Rick was told that by the guy at the CDC near the end of season 1 (we see the CDC guy whispering to Rick, but not the actual words) and told everyone sometime (don't remember when exactly) during season 2.
Rick was told that by the guy at the CDC near the end of season 1 (we see the CDC guy whispering to Rick, but not the actual words) and told everyone sometime (don't remember when exactly) during season 2.

I think it was the finale of Season 2.

For people who have seen last night's episode, just curious...would you have given Herschel CPR? I was expecting Lori to lose her face.

For people who have seen last night's episode, just curious...would you have given Herschel CPR? I was expecting Lori to lose her face.

Nope. I wouldn't have.

For people who have seen last night's episode, just curious...would you have given Herschel CPR? I was expecting Lori to lose her face.

No way! I was watching with some of my housemates, two of whom are fellow EMTs, and we were buggin out!

Carl has ALWAYS annoyed me. He has grown quite a bit, though has much more to do. I don't know if anybody watches "Talking Dead" but they discussed how he could grow up and either become a complete nut, or a total bad- :censored: . But even in just the first scene of the season premiere, he's become pretty hardened and useful as an extra gun at the least.

This is by far one of my favorite shows of all time. Definitely the highlight of my Sundays...
[SPOILER ALERT ]For people who have seen last night's episode, just curious...would you have given Herschel CPR? I was expecting Lori to lose her face.[/SPOILER]


I would have locked the cell after stopping the bleeding and hoped for the best.