The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

Congrats on your first! So exciting. I have two children that are not school age yet. My goal and plan a is take school and once I'm done with one move right on to the next.
Are you allowed to have piercings? Nothing crazy, I have my ears pierced but was thinking of getting them pierced a second time.
My place allows piercings. It's sort of a do it at your own risk type thing. Meaning it might get yanked. I have a tiny nose stud and a hoop in my tragus. Small, doesn't draw attention.
Hey Guys!
I'm Sydney, I'm 20, I've been an EMT-b for a few months and I'm based on Long Island, NY.
I want to be a flight medic, and will probably be moving to a state that has more opportunity for that. (Theres a total of 15 FlightMedics employed in my area, and every time theres an open spot 500 applicants.)
I love everything about what I do, especially the part where my friends think I'm way more awesome than I actually am. But hey it makes them feel safe.
I grew up with my dad being an army medic (way before I was around), a firefighter, and a detective. He taught me to respond first, react later. I was 6 when I would "truck hop" from my dads FD truck, to the rig, hang half way out the window and climb a tree all to know what was going on.
I've been dating a firefighter for a year now, and all I've learned is the only place I really fit in, is in the world of EMS.
What's up EMTLIFE,
I'm Jay from Saint Louis, Mo.
Currently I am enrolled at St. Louis Community College, and working towards my EMT-B cert. My plans after school is to go right back for my associates with paramedic cert. My hobbies are (re)building computers, composing music, and playing video games.

I'm the new one now. Thanks for having me. Seems like there is good representation on here from Canada and the US, - with a hint of everywhere else?
First, welcome to EMTLife!

Reply to this thread with a brief introduction so that we can learn a little about you. We hope you stick around for a while and contribute to our community.

I'm 53, still have my PMED license, but currently not utilizing it. Been involved in EMS either part time or full time since 1985. Also have a background in Occupational Safety and Law Enforcement. USAF Veteran. Wish I had found or known of this site years ago. Thanks for allowing me to join.
Hello all. New member here.
I've been an EMT since 2004 and was a firefighter with a volunteer agency 3 years prior to that. Currently with AMR in McMinn County TN. Previously worked for a private agency in Chattanooga for almost 9 years before being asked to leave after reporting an unsafe vehicle to the state.
Hello. My name is Tabitha and I am a EMS student in North Carolina. I just started my program this fall, and after this semester will continue onto the rest of my paramedic training. I am 22, and have had a lot of personal experiences with EMTs, Paramedics, and 911 calls. All of this has led me to this feild, and I am extremely excited to be a part of such an outstanding professional community.

my name is Bernhard, I'm from Munich (Bavaria/Germany, Europe), hence the screen name. I found this site when looking for an alternative for another great US based forum, which unfortunately is experiencing an acute traffic loss. Maybe the one or another knows me from there.

I'm in EMS for over 30 years now, started young. My level is "Rettungsassistent", which is compareable to an US paramedic (see Wikipedia: "Paramedics_in_Germany"). Most time I worked volunteer/part-time, beside gaining a masters degree in computer science and engineering. After several positions in IT management and as self-employed consultant, I eventually combined my management and EMS skills. Now I'm full time in EMS management, responsible for regional Red Cross, which is the main EMS provider over here (80% market share).

I still do shifts on the ambulance, with our local volunteer (non-transport) first responder team, as incident commander, covering events and in disaster response. Beside that I have a family (wife, kid, dog, hamster), several other hobbies and an awful time management. :)

From this forum I expect to get interesting discussions and a view "over the pond". My contribution may be insights from German EMS, my experience in EMS organization, patient care and incident command over here. Plus some faulty english.

My plan in EMS is to get the new education level of "Notfallsanitäter", a recently introduced (effective January 2015) three year education, replacing the "Rettungsassistent" level. For this I have to take a state exam and learn a lot of things I already forgot. I hope, EMTlife can help me a bit here...

My dream in EMS is to visit some EMS places around the world, so maybe we'll meet in person some day. If you're happen to travel to southern Bavaria, just drop me a note and I'd look forward to arrange something.

Great to be here!


P.S.: My avatar shows the inofficial patch for Bavarian EMS of Red Cross - it's not worn in duty, but looks cool. I have some spare ones if you're interested in a trade (EMS patches only).

my name is Bernhard, I'm from Munich (Bavaria/Germany, Europe), hence the screen name. I found this site when looking for an alternative for another great US based forum, which unfortunately is experiencing an acute traffic loss. Maybe the one or another knows me from there.

I'm in EMS for over 30 years now, started young. My level is "Rettungsassistent", which is compareable to an US paramedic (see Wikipedia: "Paramedics_in_Germany"). Most time I worked volunteer/part-time, beside gaining a masters degree in computer science and engineering. After several positions in IT management and as self-employed consultant, I eventually combined my management and EMS skills. Now I'm full time in EMS management, responsible for regional Red Cross, which is the main EMS provider over here (80% market share).

I still do shifts on the ambulance, with our local volunteer (non-transport) first responder team, as incident commander, covering events and in disaster response. Beside that I have a family (wife, kid, dog, hamster), several other hobbies and an awful time management. :)

From this forum I expect to get interesting discussions and a view "over the pond". My contribution may be insights from German EMS, my experience in EMS organization, patient care and incident command over here. Plus some faulty english.

My plan in EMS is to get the new education level of "Notfallsanitäter", a recently introduced (effective January 2015) three year education, replacing the "Rettungsassistent" level. For this I have to take a state exam and learn a lot of things I already forgot. I hope, EMTlife can help me a bit here...

My dream in EMS is to visit some EMS places around the world, so maybe we'll meet in person some day. If you're happen to travel to southern Bavaria, just drop me a note and I'd look forward to arrange something.

Great to be here!


P.S.: My avatar shows the inofficial patch for Bavarian EMS of Red Cross - it's not worn in duty, but looks cool. I have some spare ones if you're interested in a trade (EMS patches only).

Welcome. Glad to see you here. Now I can bug you on both sites. lol
From this forum I expect to get interesting discussions and a view "over the pond". My contribution may be insights from German EMS, my experience in EMS organization, patient care and incident command over here. Plus some faulty english.
Moin. Would be interesting to learn your perspectives. Your written English is honestly better than a significant number of native speakers'.

my name is Bernhard, I'm from Munich (Bavaria/Germany, Europe), hence the screen name. I found this site when looking for an alternative for another great US based forum, which unfortunately is experiencing an acute traffic loss. Maybe the one or another knows me from there.

I'm in EMS for over 30 years now, started young. My level is "Rettungsassistent", which is compareable to an US paramedic (see Wikipedia: "Paramedics_in_Germany"). Most time I worked volunteer/part-time, beside gaining a masters degree in computer science and engineering. After several positions in IT management and as self-employed consultant, I eventually combined my management and EMS skills. Now I'm full time in EMS management, responsible for regional Red Cross, which is the main EMS provider over here (80% market share).

I still do shifts on the ambulance, with our local volunteer (non-transport) first responder team, as incident commander, covering events and in disaster response. Beside that I have a family (wife, kid, dog, hamster), several other hobbies and an awful time management. :)

From this forum I expect to get interesting discussions and a view "over the pond". My contribution may be insights from German EMS, my experience in EMS organization, patient care and incident command over here. Plus some faulty english.

My plan in EMS is to get the new education level of "Notfallsanitäter", a recently introduced (effective January 2015) three year education, replacing the "Rettungsassistent" level. For this I have to take a state exam and learn a lot of things I already forgot. I hope, EMTlife can help me a bit here...

My dream in EMS is to visit some EMS places around the world, so maybe we'll meet in person some day. If you're happen to travel to southern Bavaria, just drop me a note and I'd look forward to arrange something.

Great to be here!


P.S.: My avatar shows the inofficial patch for Bavarian EMS of Red Cross - it's not worn in duty, but looks cool. I have some spare ones if you're interested in a trade (EMS patches only).
Willkommen! (Ok thats about 90% of the Deutsch I know lol)
Thanks for the warm welcome, everybody! Just reading a lot of previous posts, but soon will get on some.

BTW, where is the chat room here?
Thanks for the warm welcome, everybody! Just reading a lot of previous posts, but soon will get on some.

BTW, where is the chat room here?

It's next to Forums on the menu. I think I heard from someone a while back that you have to post a bit before you have access. If that's true, I don't quite understand it, but maybe someone can shed some light on the situation.
Hi! I'm an EMT and EMT instructor in CA. I've been an EMT for 5 years working on BLS and CCT rigs in a pretty busy system. I've also worked on a split rig (EMT/Medic) which was an awesome experience. I'm currently in medic school and I hope to work as a medic as soon as I finish.
Hi! I'm an EMT and EMT instructor in CA. I've been an EMT for 5 years working on BLS and CCT rigs in a pretty busy system. I've also worked on a split rig (EMT/Medic) which was an awesome experience. I'm currently in medic school and I hope to work as a medic as soon as I finish.
