The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

Hi! My name is Chanda, Im 25 & I just enrolled in my 1st semester at TCC here in Hampton Roads, VA.

Im studying to get my AAS for Paramedic! My ultimate goal is to become a Flight Paramedic but I already know that will take me a few years.. Im still researching to find out all the requirements but I have plenty of time for that since Im just starting. Im also a full time mom & Navy wife so Im going to be pretty busy! I found this website on google and it seemed to have a lot of info so I hope I can make some good connects through here.

Chat with ya soon!
Welcome Chanda! Good luck with school. Hope you find the forum helpful.
Welcome Canada. Enjoy the forum.
I just took my flight physical so I can drop my flight packet. The thing that makes me mad though is my flight time in the military won't carry over to the civilian world.
I'm Denis Mc Caig from Jim Thorpe, Pa. I've been reading your web site and thought I would sign up. I'm a little older than most of your members. I'm a retired Philadelphia, Pa. firefighter (13 years), fire paramedic (11 years) , and fire Lt. (7 years) . I also worked as an "industrial medic" as a part time job at refineries in Philadelphia and Marcus Hook, Pa. for about eight years as a first responder and a ROCO trained high angle and confined space rescuer. Fortunately I never had to high or inside! I miss the EMS world, that's why I was reading your web site.
Hello everyone!!! New member here from CT. I've been reading through some of the threads and see there is tons of info here.

Glad to be a part of this community!! Look forward to chatting with you all!!
Well i posted an Intro in the lounge before I saw this so sorry for double posting my arrival :D

I am 27 years old, and left my other university 8 classes shy of a bachelors in computer science to work EMS. I am taking NREMT for my basic as soon as they email me the contact info to set up a test time. I have approx 130 hours or so of ambulance time that I have absolutely loved. All of that was spent with AMR locally, and I am hoping to get hired on there after certification.

I have several choices for county services to but the people at AMR have been great and with a run volume of almost 5 times the next closest service, Ill get the experience im looking for.

Glad to be here and looking forward to the knowledge the membership has to offer.

Hi I am Sam, I live in Fremont, CA and I am almost finished with my EMT-B course. I am also a CERT member in the East Bay and hope to get involved in CERT locally. I plan on finding work with a local ambulance company and take it from there after graduation.
Hi All

My name is Theresa. I'm a EMT Basic and have been since 2006. I went to school at Palomar College. Bruce Fried was my teacher and he was wonderful. I volunteer for a off-road team that races the SCORE races in Baja. I have logged tons of hours in the helicopter. My dream is to go to paramedic school.

Im a paramedic in Northern Arizona. I became a medic in 1995, I was an IEMT in 1994 original EMT in 1992.

I will be going over to the dark side soon I start the nursing program in the fall. ( HEY they said there were cookies on their side!)

I will be keeping my medic cert. In fact I plan on finishing my AAS in paramedicine before I finish the RN school.

I plan on being an ICU and occasional ER RN. But I will be a medic first and forever.
Hi there.

My name is Andrew. I am 28 years old and am a soon to be single part time parent. I am currently in the Army within the Infantry field and am starting my EMT-B class in less than a month. I kind of woke up one day and realized that after almost 10 years of deploying and doing so much harm to people that I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror at times. Not to say this is my buy me into heaven ticket, but it is more of a pursuit of finally putting demons to rest and learning to help people in their times or need. I have done 4 tours of combat ( 3 to Iraq, 1 to Afghanistan) and look forward to putting the skills I have gained by being in a already high stress, head on a swivel job to use while also firing up the ol' brain to learn new and exciting things out there in the world too.

Hi Everyone!

I'm Cherie and 27 years old.
I'm currently a EMT Student in Orange, CA.
My class is over May 18th and I'm studying to take the National Registry.
I'm a licensed CNA; I got licensed to make it easier for me to get into a Nursing program. I Almost have all the pre-requisites out of the way. Working in private home health right now. The pay isn't bad so It will get me through school.

I've been reading the forums on here and I've been enjoying them. Looking forward to getting to know you. Also, any advice for the NREMT would be appreciated!

Hello to all my name is Daniel and i start EMT basic in Aug. of this year cann't wait. im really excited to start class and hope to continue my traning to become a Paramedic
My name is Andrew. I am 28 years old and am a soon to be single part time parent. I am currently in the Army within the Infantry field and am starting my EMT-B class in less than a month. I kind of woke up one day and realized that after almost 10 years of deploying and doing so much harm to people that I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror at times. Not to say this is my buy me into heaven ticket, but it is more of a pursuit of finally putting demons to rest and learning to help people in their times or need. I have done 4 tours of combat ( 3 to Iraq, 1 to Afghanistan) and look forward to putting the skills I have gained by being in a already high stress, head on a swivel job to use while also firing up the ol' brain to learn new and exciting things out there in the world too.

I hope everything works out for you. I couldn't imagine going through 4 tours of combat. Hats off to you & good luck.
Hello board.

I am a 20 plus year paramedic in rural Texas. I'm currently the EMS director of a two station Hospital based service covering a large county and two small towns. 42 years old, two daughters one in high school the other in nursing school. She came to me as a junior in highschool and said "I want to be a paramedic" I said "No you don't!" and for once she listened!
I'm new...!

Hey guys!

My name is Alan, I'm 23 and live in Santa Barbara, CA. Just graduated from UCSB last year with one of my best friends who is now an EMT up in the bay area.
I recently started working with my long-time friend at company based on a cervical splinting device his dad invented, so my world is now opening up to the EMT provider world.
Yay!!! I found it!!

I'm a 23 year old medic in a rural Saskatchewan town of about 6000. We do around 1800 calls a year. I've been in the EMS profession for just over 4 years now, but just completed my Advanced Care Paramedic training last year.

Was doing a google search and stumbled on these forums. Looks like there will be much for me to learn from in here.
Glad I found this site. There's so much info on here.

<-- Well, I start EMT-B school next month in the Philly area. I've been wanting to do this for ages but I finally have enough money for the tuition. Plus it seems like a good time to do this since I just got done school for Medical Assistant. If I really like the EMT environment, then I'll check out paramedic schooling.B)