The future of EMS

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Since when is histology a requirement? Last time I checked there were no microscopes in the back of the rig.

What better way to learn form and function than by studying the smallest living part of the organism?

What's next, a super conductor super collider? Why do you people insist on making this so complicated?

Be quiet before you give me a large hadron.
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So Mr Flame, did you register solely to make an incendiary post? Will you be sticking around to benefit from any of the discussions on this site, or is this just an attempted drive-by?

You speak of fat EMS personnel with wrinkled clothing. I won't deny that probably 1/3 of EMS is overweight, but have you taken a look at your own service? What is the big killer these days of FF's beyond MVC's? Is it collapsing on the job? Furthermore, what other profession out there automatically guarantees the offspring of their comrades who fall in the line of duty (which are given to off-duty deaths nowadays...) a position within? But I digress...

So, a "paramedic" was shown how to work a BP cuff? Are you sure your "captain" wasn't just all in a huff because the cuff's "artery here" line didn't match up exactly with the pts brachial? It is unfortunate you didn't come up with something more realistic such as "the private medic missed an IO".

Why do you guys insist on making this so complicated?
I think you've revealed your primary disposition with private EMS with that statement. Are you upset because medicine is ever evolving and most private EMS (and some Fire) is FINALLY starting to become accepting of that idea? Well do not worry one iota my friend, for IAFF has continued to help retard any attempts to prolong educational standards on the national level. Scarier than that however, is that you've been in the service for ONLY THREE YEARS, and ostensibly already resent education and development. Were you in private EMS prior to the fire service, or did you "Go ALS to get in the door"? Again I digress to keeping education standards down...

The idea that a syncopal episode or septic pt should be given the same amount of diesel bolus as the multi-system trauma is absolutely absurd. The rationale of "It's the hospitals job" is utterly pathetic and is a huge indicator burn-out, regardless of private or Fire.

Keep in mind the roots of EMS was planted by the Department of Transportation, not the Ministry of Health.
While being static may be good for you guys putting the wet stuff on the red stuff, medicine thankfully opts to evolve, and again private EMS is finally realizing it can capitalize on this.

Your right this is not brainsurgery. But i bet 100 percent of your patients could care less. What this is, is something much more important, a human life.

*disclaimer* nothing against any of you FF, as i spent 10 years doing the same as a volunteer.

You see Flame you just pointed out why most have the same opinion of fire based EMS. Humans are not an inaminate object you just throw water at. A piece of burning wood does not have Homeostasis, A human does. And unless you strive to understand that and what goes on with it, how in the world can you possibly take care of a patient? Unless your one of the glorified IV starters with a 5 minute x-port time from where ever you respond to that doesnt have to think past that, then you would take this just as seriously as brain surgery.

Remember these are people with family who love them -Usually- and someday it might be you or one of your family members in need. And you had better beleive it that in your hour of need your going to be hoping it's somebody that does take this as seriously as brain surgery.

Your right this is not brainsurgery. But i bet 100 percent of your patients could care less. What this is, is something much more important, a human life.

*disclaimer* nothing against any of you FF, as i spent 10 years doing the same as a volunteer.

You see Flame you just pointed out why most have the same opinion of fire based EMS. Humans are not an inaminate object you just throw water at. A piece of burning wood does not have Homeostasis, A human does. And unless you strive to understand that and what goes on with it, how in the world can you possibly take care of a patient? Unless your one of the glorified IV starters with a 5 minute x-port time from where ever you respond to that doesnt have to think past that, then you would take this just as seriously as brain surgery.

Remember these are people with family who love them -Usually- and someday it might be you or one of your family members in need. And you had better beleive it that in your hour of need your going to be hoping it's somebody that does take this as seriously as brain surgery.

Very well said.
Thanks for the condescending remarks. I'm not trying to spew any garbage, just trying to rationalize why a fire service can't operate EMS. By the way, I attended those courses Corky, and they were at a college institution.
You are spewing garbage and you are making an excellent argument against combining fire service and EMS. Instead of private services hiring poorly educated medics, fire depatments are.

Keep in mind that the roots of today's EMS was planted by the Department of Transportation, not the Ministry of Health.
First, the US does not use a ministry. Second most of the 50 states put their state Dept of health in charge of EMS. Third paramedics were created for medical calls.
Since when is histology a requirement? Last time I checked there were no microscopes in the back of the rig. What's next, a super conductor super collider? Why do you people insist on making this so complicated? This was not meant to be brain surgery. Keep in mind that the roots of today's EMS was planted by the Department of Transportation, not the Ministry of Health.

That would be the difference between fire and EMS. Real PROFESSIONAL EMS folks love the medicine and want to improve upon their PROFESSION. there is so much we don't NEED to know to do our jobs, but we want to know and learn so that we can provide our patients (who we care about) with the best care we can. The second you stop caring about learning is the second we need to get out of the PROFESSION. There is a reason why so many Firefighters inmy area get EMT; becasue it is easy to do. Any moron can become certified as an EMT, or even a Paramedic (present company included). But real EMT's and Medics exceed that basic knowledge and strive to be the best they can be at what they do. That is why I remind all the FF's that I work with that they hold certification as an EMT but I am an EMT.

SERIOUS QUESTION: Why the hell did you choose to join a EMS forum just to spout your FF BS? Really? Maybe that just proves the point that you are a FF that holds certification as a Paramedic, but you are no Paramedic.
God made paramedics because firefighters need hero's too. :P

Perhaps merging with your local water and sewer department would make more sense, water, pipes, pressure....certainly makes more sense than filling the time with first aid and lights and sirens waiting on the once a year structure fire. It's ok, we'll still respect you in the morning.
How did everyone come to the conclusion that the fire service is made up of a bunch of idiots. Let me give you a run down of the idiots I'm surrounded by:

Capt. Morris, bachelor's degree from USC (Marshall Business School)

Lt. Burcham, bachelor's degree in psychology from Baylor

Engineer Buchannon was an officer in the Navy (believe he went to The Citadel).

Yeah, we're just a bunch of "retards." We would be nothing without the IAFF. We probably would not be able to handle a syncopal episode, or an inferior MI with RVI.

I think we need to focus on the limited responsibilities that we currently perform and perfect them. The fire service has a proven track record of doing this. Just look at the decrease in fire over the last several decades. When was the last time San Francisco burned down? What about Chicago? What about London? I think we can do the same thing with EMS.
How did everyone come to the conclusion that the fire service is made up of a bunch of idiots. Let me give you a run down of the idiots I'm surrounded by:

Capt. Morris, bachelor's degree from USC (Marshall Business School)

Lt. Burcham, bachelor's degree in psychology from Baylor

Engineer Buchannon was an officer in the Navy (believe he went to The Citadel).

Yeah, we're just a bunch of "retards." We would be nothing without the IAFF. We probably would not be able to handle a syncopal episode, or an inferior MI with RVI.

I think we need to focus on the limited responsibilities that we currently perform and perfect them. The fire service has a proven track record of doing this. Just look at the decrease in fire over the last several decades. When was the last time San Francisco burned down? What about Chicago? What about London? I think we can do the same thing with EMS.

Are you high? Sampling the Morphine? You join these forums with the intent to scream at all us EMS folks about how we are not as important as Fire and shouldn't be running Medical Calls becasue Fire is so much better than us... and you accuse us of bashing Fire. No one called Firefighters Retards... just you, and it is deserved.

No one cares how accomplished your supieriors are. I know plenty of Firefighters and have respect for most of them, as most of us here do. Any issues that arrise where we speak ill of Fire stems from BS comments from Firefighters like yourself. Fire (generally speaking, at least in my area) has a superior attitude that puts EMS on the defensive and does nothing to solidify the bond that should exist between all branches of Emergency Services. WAIT... Sound Familiar?

Fires Track Record? Sure after hundreads of years you have gotten fire prevention adn protection down... on behalf of the citizens of the world "THANK YOU." Street EMS is a child is still evolving (as anything as complex as medicine should). You speak of advacning EMS, but you act like Fire is the only way to go and we are a bunch of morons playing in something that we should hand over to you. I've seen first hand what happens when Fire starts branching out and taking over things that once belonged to Rescue Squads, Law Enforcement, SAR, and EMS... and the track record leaves much to be desired.

I have no issues with Firefighters. I know many and get along with most and call several friends. Do they belong in EMS? YES, to an extent depending on the cercumstance of your service area and only if they WANT TO CARE FOR PATIENTS. But attitudes like yours need to be snuffed out fast. Firefighters like yourself are the reason there is so much animosity between EMS and Fire. This is how "everyone csme to the conclusion that the fire service is made up of a bunch of idiots". SHAME ON YOU!
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FIRE EMS HAS RUINED RI EMS....exapmles as listed below....

providence fire dept.
newport fire dept.
cranston fire dept.
portsmouth fire dept.
middletown fire dept.
narragansett fire dept.
n. kingston fire dept.
johnston fire dept.
n. providence fire dept.

these are all dept in RI that have a track record for being horrible for EMS.
RI is only fire based EMS and it is absolutely horrible. i wish to be on the fire dept but have seen what it has done to EMS and can't bring myself to do if you think that fire EMS is the answer take a trip to RI and call 911......(you'll prolly end up crossing the border on hands and knees to MASS.....By the way reseach the CARDIAC level of EMS care....its FIRES answer to EMS...

do your research before you start doesnt work...I KNOW IT DOESNT...(congrats if your a good FF/Medic...few and far between)
This is rapidly de-volving into a fire vs. EMS brawl. :deadhorse:

If fire based EMS works for you then fine. So far I've heard great things about Florida. (I guess. Sasha? What say you?) If it dosen't then it dosen't. (duh!) Personally I like the FD first response model (Even ALS FR) and seperate transport. I agree that fire does not belong in the transport field. But when you have x number af ambulance stations and 10 toimes that many fires stations in a given area, it makes sense that FD will get there faster. Look at Seattle, how do they do that 3 minute AED thing. With the FD. (OK, I'll admit that Medic One is FD run, but replace that with someone like AMR or Medstar or something like that and you have the ideal combination.)

Ok sigh, thankfully my battery died on my phone the last time i went to post this or it probably would have been censored.

Last time i will feed the troll.

You see flame you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper with your comments.

You say we have limited responsibility and that is your whole problem. We have the ULTIMATE responsibilty, a human life.
And until you figure that out why dont you go back to rolling hose.

I could care less what somebody in your dept has for degrees, especially since there not patient care orientated.

You flame are an idiot for even posting on this forum and are a disgrace to our PROFESSION.
Here in the Metroplex (Dallas/Ft Worth/ Arlington) we have all 3 types of EMS. We have FD (Dallas), private 911, augmented by BLS/ALS fire rigs (Fort Worth) and in Arlington, AMR runs 911, but under the Arlington FD. Rigs say FD on it, with an AMR sticker on the side. Arlington FD uses Intermediates.

I much prefer the Medstar/Fort Worth FD approach, as Medstar can run 6 rigs covering all of Fort Worth, and the surrounding cities, and FDs will always get to the situation first to establish if an ambulance is needed.
Good news everyone! We have been given ammunition to keep medicine away from the fire service! We have ask, and surely it has now been delivered! Praise Walt Stoy!
Ok sigh, thankfully my battery died on my phone the last time i went to post this or it probably would have been censored.

Last time i will feed the troll.

You see flame you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper with your comments.

You say we have limited responsibility and that is your whole problem. We have the ULTIMATE responsibilty, a human life.
And until you figure that out why dont you go back to rolling hose.

I could care less what somebody in your dept has for degrees, especially since there not patient care orientated.

You flame are an idiot for even posting on this forum and are a disgrace to our PROFESSION.

Thanks for your words of wisdom Corky. I'll sleep better tonight knowing you think I'm an idiot. Cap just said that were all attending a critical care course this summer. I guess will be Critical Care Fire Rescue Medical Technicians CCFRMT. I like the sound of that ^_^
I much prefer the Medstar/Fort Worth FD approach, as Medstar can run 6 rigs covering all of Fort Worth, and the surrounding cities, and FDs will always get to the situation first to establish if an ambulance is needed.

That is exactly what I was talking about. How does it work for you guys?
Well, I don't see this going anywhere so can anyone guess what time it is?

If you guessed


You're half right....

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