the 100% directionless thread

So you have one dumbass with no leathers and a tiny shirt, and another dumbass with no helmet or leathers, and again, a tiny *** shirt?

Except for, you know, leathers/textile/mesh doesn't mean anything more than saving your skin, not your life.

While he and I usually both wear full protective gear (jacket, boots, pants, gloves), we didn't for this ride for the pure fact that if we caught a call, gear would have taken too long... and this coming from a guy who wears EVERYTHING, including pants with armor, just to go around the corner to the gas station for a Kit-Kat.

Slow day at work I'm assuming?

Until we caught a cardiac arrest 30 minutes later....
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Had my first bad call in a while and just need to get it off my chest. Trying not to woulda coulda shoulda but still.

Dispatched to a p1 difficulty breathing. Dispatch informs us pt (82 y/o m) had gone unconscious before wife called, now conscious and breathing, had been in ER night before for unknown reason. Arrive on scene, pt is fully alert, sitting up and joking with us. Extensive emphysema history, but 99% on room air, good hr and bp. Wife tells us that pt has done this before, doctors don't know why but say there is no need to go in if he does it. She tells us that she freaked out and called us now doesn't need us, doesn't want pt to go in again. Very nice couple (of course). We tell them that if he doesn't want to go in its fine, call us if anything changes or she changes her mind.

Get back to the station get in bed dispatched to p1 diff breathing again same place. Dispatch informs us that pt had gone unconscious again is having difficulty breathing. We get there pt is brady at 30, agonal resp, and no response to sternal rub. Start bagging, and pacing. No gag, medics try to tube him a few times, no luck. Basic trys combi no luck. Decide to get going, check pulse, no pulse. Start CPR, couple rounds cpr, move him. Got a pulse.

Medics get him to ER, doc tubes him with difficulty. Next morning I hear they called it about an hour later.

Funny thing? He had the best CPR possible, two of us had just finished our AHA CPR instructor course the day before.
Two more large earthquakes for Christchurch, NZ.
5.5 11km deep....6.0 9km deep, plus many smaller aftershocks.
No deaths that we have been told, couple of injuries...lots more damage...Enough is enough already!-_-
:censored::censored::censored::censored: There, I feel better.
Hmm... decisions decisions... I wanna go to EMS Expo in Vegas this year, but fall semester starts on the 29th of August... (which is I think the 2nd day of Expo). They're also offering a Tactical EMS course through UNM EMSA that's $900 or so... I wouldn't mind doing that either, but if I got the money together I could only do Expo OR tac...
Gotta love it when demented nursing home patients go walkabout in the middle of the night:rolleyes:.
3 outs away from UCI reaching the College World Series! Zot zot zot!
Any die hard baseball fans here?
Summer time sucks, too many rookie travelers out there.
Just ordered my midnight tickets for the last Harry Potter movie....woot woot
So I can make bank by working as much as I can at my day job for the next two months at time and a half or I can eat beans and rice and have fun volunteering all summer. Decisions decisions.
Got home late to find that the hubby spent the evening looking for the perfect Jeep Wrangler. I think he found it too, all spec'ed out with off roading stuff, and he left open the window that shows we're approved for the loan.


What a Father's Day present this is gonna be.
Hmm whats the dress protocol for signing your acceptance letter. Im thinking I may have to do my PAT test since they said ill fit for uniforms tomorrow so im thinking whatever im comfortable in will work
Hmm whats the dress protocol for signing your acceptance letter. Im thinking I may have to do my PAT test since they said ill fit for uniforms tomorrow so im thinking whatever im comfortable in will work

I would wear business casual and bring PT clothes.