Happy thanksgiving to you and everyone else.
Im thankful for this site and the friends I have made.
NVrob....robby...showing me what I have to look forward to in January and.saying what I'm usually thinking...
USAF for telling it how it is and saying what we all are thinking.
Sasha for standing by what she feels is right.
BBG for being big bald and beautiful.
ABCkidsmom for being the.voice of reason and being able to tell someone they are a moron without being mean.
Usalsfyre for teaching me the answers to my questions, not just handing them to me.
Fast65. My dear nathan for being so fricken cute. And smart. And being my doogie
JP...for secretly being every troll we have...
All the mods, poeticinjustice, firefite, kat, crazycajon, linuss, rmabrey. Everyone here for making this a great place to learn and help shape the future providers and me!
I hope to be half the medic most of you already are.