the 100% directionless thread

Almost hit a freaking peacock on my way in to the station this morning. You know, those goofy looking blue bird things with the oversized tail? I was like, you have got to be kidding me! Only *I* can be going to work and almost nail a peacock running across the road.

Awww poor thing.
Hey, around here they either complain to us or complain to dispatch, as if living in the truck for up to 16 hours wasn't punishment enough. Apparently, a surgeon at Big Teaching Hospital went so far as to take photos of a crew parked nearby to send in with his complaint.

We get the folks who come up and tell us we're wasting fuel.

SnaKiZe said:
Done fell out.
done fell out of...?

I ish confoosed.

It's redneck for "syncopal episode" or "seizure."

TransportJockey said:
Just got back from her final memorial service :( She was cremated with her half of her necklace at least... but everything just seems real now. I wish it was just a bad dream still.

I have no idea what I missed, but it sounds horrible. You have my sympathy.

MrBrown said:
A Brown statement.

The recent event that occurred on EMTLife is disappointing and an unfortunate loss for all our members and while some may be feeling betrayed or angered it is amplified for the Browns.

The Browns must now confront the emotionally devastating reality that they were lied to about potential clinical trials aimed at treating a member of the Brown family who lives with the effects of a long-term disability which is sneaky and eludes the current state of medical science. Although it is not seen as "disabling" such in overall context it still exists and places limitations upon the Browns that are at times difficult to deal with not only practically but also emotionally and spiritually

Understandably this has left the Browns feeling angry, betrayed and struggling to rationalise why this has happened. Most unfortunate of all, it has left one member of the Brown family feeling disparate and hopeless.

Until such time as this issue has been resolved, Brown will be offline.

As you all well know, both Browns are members here of this wonderful community and we ask you respect our privacy.

Oscar 10 calls Ambulance, Officer Brown is being replaced with Officer Puddles for the remainder of watch.

Brown and Kate.

... what?
My dogs and I will be taking a nap. Please try to keep it down for the next half hour or so. Thanks.
Almost hit a freaking peacock on my way in to the station this morning. You know, those goofy looking blue bird things with the oversized tail? I was like, you have got to be kidding me! Only *I* can be going to work and almost nail a peacock running across the road.

Never hit a peacock before. Ive hit some smaller birds as they flew across the road though.

Then there was the time I hit a decent size deer with my lifted truck on the way home. The deer fell in the road in the opposite lane. My wife was on her way to work-in the opposite lane. Before I could call her and tell her to avoid it, she ran over it--- in her low riding sports car. Having to power wash deer remains off the bottom of her car sucked.
Never hit a peacock before. Ive hit some smaller birds as they flew across the road though.

Then there was the time I hit a decent size deer with my lifted truck on the way home. The deer fell in the road in the opposite lane. My wife was on her way to work-in the opposite lane. Before I could call her and tell her to avoid it, she ran over it--- in her low riding sports car. Having to power wash deer remains off the bottom of her car sucked.

Honey watch out for the de......... Nevermind.
I find myself reading this thread and wondering if it I that am insane. Most likely yes.

sent from my mobile command center. or phone. whatever.
I love it when you get to work and the supervisor calls you to the office and says:

So, do you remember picking up a Mr. So and So for a fall?


Well, how long did it take you to get to his house?

Ummmmmm.....I don't know, 10 minutes? (Rural area)

Well, Mr. So and So called yesterday and said he wanted to file an official complaint on how long it took the ambulance to get to his house. He says that his wife was coming from town too and that she beat the ambulance to their house and that it took the ambulance way to long to get there and he has a "serious" heart condition and that he could die in ten minutes if something went wrong.

Well, when we were on scene he did nothing but talk about how fast we had gotten there and how last place he lived it took the ambulance 45 minutes to get to him (No idea how rural a place he lived before) and how we did a wonderful job and that he was so grateful for the help and so on and so forth.

Hmmmm....well, dispatch records show you on scene 12 minutes after calling your response, he says his wife made it home 10 minutes before you even got there.

Yea, well, he called his wife before he even called 911, and watching her drive back to the hospital with us took a good 5 years off my life. (I cannot imagine how fast she was driving on the way to the house...but it must have been at least 100. I went back and drove it, at the speed limit it took me 11 minutes. So for her to get called first and then beat us there by 10 minutes means she was driving between 90 and 100 the whole way. :wacko:)

Ok...well I have to go out and talk to him here today, I just wanted to get your side of the story first. I think it'll all be ok. And dispatch records match what you are telling me, so we'll see what happens when I talk to him.

For crying out loud...I hate when people say nothing but good about you when you are with them, then next thing you know they turn and call the supe to file a complaint about how bad you were. :angry:
He says that his wife was coming from town too and that she beat the ambulance to their house and that it took the ambulance way to long to get there and he has a "serious" heart condition and that he could die in ten minutes if something went wrong.

He thinks his heart is bad now wait until he sees the bill!!!!:o
Cardiac Adventure. I;m back with new parts.

I last posted on May21 (pg1155) and said I was going fishing on doomsday. Well it had the potential to be that. My sons and I were going fishing and had arrived at the spot. I had just carried the canoe down to the river (80m) wrestling it over a windfall. On the way back to the truck I became increasingly sob and dizzy. Thinking I could make the truck and have a rest I pushed the last 20m and collasped beside the truck. My sons were just a step too far away to catch me. My eldest son (22) said I was out for maybe a minute before I woke up. I slowly got up and sat in the truck. That was the end of the fishing trip. I felt fine, no sob, c/p, tachy etc. The boys gathered up the gear and drove me to the hosp. (1 hr).

I'll put the rest in point form.

May 21 Arrived local hosp 2pm, feeling fine.
ECG textbook NSR, other vitals normal.
physical exam fine except for a loud aortic murmur heard.
5pm bloodwork back everthing normal except minor trop inc 0.15
Started nonstemi protocol.
11:30pm moved to ICU

May 22 trops down to 0.09
May 22 - 27 Felt fine. Wandered around ICU bored, no internet.
Had an echo done confirming aortic stenosis and a bicuspid
valve. Should be a tricuspid.
May 27 7:30pm transfered to QEII heart center Halifax by amb with one
of my partners.
May 28 -31 Felt fine, bored. had a repeat echo and a cardiac cath dye
test. No sign of CAD, great arteries.
June 1 3pm into OR for a new valve. I chose a tissue instead of a
metal. I don't want to be on warfarin.
8:30pm back into OR, excessive drainage from chest tube.
June 2 Don't remember much. But I remember them getting me up for a
walk. Moved to ICU step down unit. HGB low at 68.
June 3 Tired, sob, lethargic.
11pm a-fib 200+ , consc, pulse and b/p. Scary because the
pads were on and drugs drawn up. I know what they're
doing and thinking. Converted with amiodarone.
June 4 Still sob, tired, lethargic. Only sleeping an hour or so at a time.
Up 8kg of fluid.
7pm 1st of 2 units of packed cells and lasix started.
Long night. Lost 4.3L fluid.
June 5 Felt much better. HGB 87. Close watch on my electrolytes.
I don't like low normal potassium.
June 6 Feeling better. A nurse was able to wash my hair. Plastic pillows
and mattresses are horrible. Clean hair felt sooo good. Nursing
care was phenonmenaly good. Moved to floor.
June 7 -9 Improving every day. Longer walks, stairs, more mobility, eating
more, sleeping longer. Minor blip WBC up from 10.5 - 14.6
Stablized at 14.6.
June 9 1pm DISCHARGED HOME. 4pm I'm home.
June 10 Taking it easy. Short excursion to the grocery store.
My eldest son is comming home tonight. haven't seen him since
the 23rd.

I'm off work for at least 5 -6 months. The doc wants me in real good shape before I go back to the physical demands of a field medic.

Just thought I'd let you know whats been going on. I've got a lot of catching up to do on here.
Dude! Glad to hear you are still alive and kicking after all that.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.^_^
Seriously, all the best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

sent from my mobile command center. or phone. whatever.
Woah outbac

Thats nuts. So glad you are ok and feeling better.

And yea u sure do have a lot to catch up on.
Outbac! Holy cow! Glad to hear you are doing alright! That is crazy! Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and complete healing so you can get back to working again.
I last posted on May21 (pg1155) and said I was going fishing on doomsday. Well it had the potential to be that. My sons and I were going fishing and had arrived at the spot. I had just carried the canoe down to the river (80m) wrestling it over a windfall. On the way back to the truck I became increasingly sob and dizzy. Thinking I could make the truck and have a rest I pushed the last 20m and collasped beside the truck. My sons were just a step too far away to catch me. My eldest son (22) said I was out for maybe a minute before I woke up. I slowly got up and sat in the truck. That was the end of the fishing trip. I felt fine, no sob, c/p, tachy etc. The boys gathered up the gear and drove me to the hosp. (1 hr).

I'll put the rest in point form.

May 21 Arrived local hosp 2pm, feeling fine.
ECG textbook NSR, other vitals normal.
physical exam fine except for a loud aortic murmur heard.
5pm bloodwork back everthing normal except minor trop inc 0.15
Started nonstemi protocol.
11:30pm moved to ICU

May 22 trops down to 0.09
May 22 - 27 Felt fine. Wandered around ICU bored, no internet.
Had an echo done confirming aortic stenosis and a bicuspid
valve. Should be a tricuspid.
May 27 7:30pm transfered to QEII heart center Halifax by amb with one
of my partners.
May 28 -31 Felt fine, bored. had a repeat echo and a cardiac cath dye
test. No sign of CAD, great arteries.
June 1 3pm into OR for a new valve. I chose a tissue instead of a
metal. I don't want to be on warfarin.
8:30pm back into OR, excessive drainage from chest tube.
June 2 Don't remember much. But I remember them getting me up for a
walk. Moved to ICU step down unit. HGB low at 68.
June 3 Tired, sob, lethargic.
11pm a-fib 200+ , consc, pulse and b/p. Scary because the
pads were on and drugs drawn up. I know what they're
doing and thinking. Converted with amiodarone.
June 4 Still sob, tired, lethargic. Only sleeping an hour or so at a time.
Up 8kg of fluid.
7pm 1st of 2 units of packed cells and lasix started.
Long night. Lost 4.3L fluid.
June 5 Felt much better. HGB 87. Close watch on my electrolytes.
I don't like low normal potassium.
June 6 Feeling better. A nurse was able to wash my hair. Plastic pillows
and mattresses are horrible. Clean hair felt sooo good. Nursing
care was phenonmenaly good. Moved to floor.
June 7 -9 Improving every day. Longer walks, stairs, more mobility, eating
more, sleeping longer. Minor blip WBC up from 10.5 - 14.6
Stablized at 14.6.
June 9 1pm DISCHARGED HOME. 4pm I'm home.
June 10 Taking it easy. Short excursion to the grocery store.
My eldest son is comming home tonight. haven't seen him since
the 23rd.

I'm off work for at least 5 -6 months. The doc wants me in real good shape before I go back to the physical demands of a field medic.

Just thought I'd let you know whats been going on. I've got a lot of catching up to do on here.

You'll do anything to be the center of attention, huh? :)

Glad you're alright. That's quite an ordeal to go through. Take the time off and relax, have some fun, and enjoy life.
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Finally back at my apartment after a 36 hour shift turned into a 41 how shift... So freaking exhausted. Deciding between shower, sleep, or finally getting something to eat for the first time since Wednesday afternoon... sleep will win I think
You'll do anything to be the center of attention, huh? :)

Glad you're alright. That's quite an ordeal to go through. Take the time off and relax, have some fun, and enjoy life.

That kind of attention I could have done without. However Dr. Summer Off had other ideas.:)

I don't have much choice but relax. I'm not allowed to drive for 6-8 weeks as the vibrations from the wheel can shake the sternum and slow healing. Also I can't lift more than 5lb per hand. But I'm going to take it one day at a time and go from there.
That kind of attention I could have done without. However Dr. Summer Off had other ideas.:)

I don't have much choice but relax. I'm not allowed to drive for 6-8 weeks as the vibrations from the wheel can shake the sternum and slow healing. Also I can't lift more than 5lb per hand. But I'm going to take it one day at a time and go from there.

Check out the beach and the pool. Hope you're feeling better ASAP, and that there aren't too many $$ worries while you're out of work.