I love it when you get to work and the supervisor calls you to the office and says:
So, do you remember picking up a Mr. So and So for a fall?
Well, how long did it take you to get to his house?
Ummmmmm.....I don't know, 10 minutes? (Rural area)
Well, Mr. So and So called yesterday and said he wanted to file an official complaint on how long it took the ambulance to get to his house. He says that his wife was coming from town too and that she beat the ambulance to their house and that it took the ambulance way to long to get there and he has a "serious" heart condition and that he could die in ten minutes if something went wrong.
Well, when we were on scene he did nothing but talk about how fast we had gotten there and how last place he lived it took the ambulance 45 minutes to get to him (No idea how rural a place he lived before) and how we did a wonderful job and that he was so grateful for the help and so on and so forth.
Hmmmm....well, dispatch records show you on scene 12 minutes after calling your response, he says his wife made it home 10 minutes before you even got there.
Yea, well, he called his wife before he even called 911, and watching her drive back to the hospital with us took a good 5 years off my life. (I cannot imagine how fast she was driving on the way to the house...but it must have been at least 100. I went back and drove it, at the speed limit it took me 11 minutes. So for her to get called first and then beat us there by 10 minutes means she was driving between 90 and 100 the whole way. :wacko
Ok...well I have to go out and talk to him here today, I just wanted to get your side of the story first. I think it'll all be ok. And dispatch records match what you are telling me, so we'll see what happens when I talk to him.
For crying out loud...I hate when people say nothing but good about you when you are with them, then next thing you know they turn and call the supe to file a complaint about how bad you were. :angry: