the 100% directionless thread

Nothing brings home the importance of properly performed CPR better than finding out it had to be done on your mother. She coded twice yesterday while in the hospital for A fib. They put in a defibrillator this morning and she is doing much better. Hopefully she can be moved out of ICU soon.

Sorry your mama is sick. Here's hoping to a speedy recovery.
What on earth is going on on House right now?

pm usaf and ask him? I'm pretty sure he secretly is the guy they modeled house after. so I think he's got an in.
Hope shes well, my thoughts are with you.
You know what's sad? I really tried to reach out to him and encourage him the way some former posters did for me. It inspired and motivated me to be a great provider and to learn.

His reply was some regurgitated bull about this is how things are done and blahblabblah. Eyes open mouth shut blahblahblah. traditiontraditionnotlearningnotlearning blahblahblah.

Well all you can do is try Sasha, and he's obviously unable to open up his mind and realize that there are people with more experience than him that can offer good advice. What's really sad is that he feels that he can degrade EMS because he's had his cert for all of maybe a year and he's got a few calls under his belt with a trivial little service whose protocols appear to be written by the National Registry. I'm actually surprised he's not banned yet.

On a side note, it looks like Today is having a story on HEMS being used for unnecessary transfers.
In uniform heading to work this morning. Lets hope I can make it through a shift ok right now.
Good luck :)
Thanks all. She is doing well today but in a lot of pain from the cracked ribs she got from the CPR. They have her on a morphine drip. She is eating and feels better but pretty out of it from the drugs. The radio ablation of the malfunctioning node and defibrillator are both doing their job and her vitals and heart are all back to normal. She has had bad bouts of A fib for 40+ years and it just wore her heart out apparently. Hopefully when she recovers she won't have to deal with it anymore so that's the upside to all of this. Again thank you all for your messages of support. Much of the info I picked up here at has come in to play helping me keep up with what is happening with my mother in the hospital. Things like this are much less scary when you have the armor of information to protect you.
Hope everything is ok.

Stay strong :)
My whole world has been turned upside down and kicked over in the last few days. I'm trying though...
Nurse: Is this the Code STEMI?
Me: Yes it is, calling to give an update.
Nurse: Has the doctor seen the 12-lead before you activated the Code STEMI so that we're sure?

Me: Wouldn't matter, considering a Code STEMI is activated solely off my decisions.... but yes, the ER doctor AND the cardiologist have BOTH seen the EKG and spoken to me directly on the phone for our treatment plan... despite the fact that the cardiologist was the one to call the code STEMI despite all 3 of our uncertainties... now can I continue with my update or do you want to question me on my abilities some more?


Gah...almost as bad as the time the nurse receiving my report asked how I knew a leg was broken when I was coming in with a compound tib/fib. And yes, same nurse. She clearly has no respect for field personnel.
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I just got the word that I'm invited to the orals for my DREAM job! Yahoo!

Finger and toes crossed.

Sunofabitch! I'm excited!

I just got the word that I'm invited to the orals for my DREAM job! Yahoo!

Finger and toes crossed.

Sunofabitch! I'm excited!

What's your dream job?
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I just got the word that I'm invited to the orals for my DREAM job! Yahoo!

Finger and toes crossed.

Sunofabitch! I'm excited!

Can someone tell me what this is? I know it's v paced, but it looks like the t wave goes way up. Or am I just stupid.


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My name's 'way too overexposed on the home page

Need to get outdoors more!!
I'll be gone for two weeks starting next Tuesday.

(If I flipped this 180 degrees would the man be facing away?) ;)

Got into a bar fight last night (well, at 2 am) with my husband-in-law (ex wife's husband), broke my hand punching him, made up in the ER.. Going drinking again tonight. How freaking strange is that.