Forum Chief
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Nurse: Is this the Code STEMI?
Me: Yes it is, calling to give an update.
Nurse: Has the doctor seen the 12-lead before you activated the Code STEMI so that we're sure?
Me: Wouldn't matter, considering a Code STEMI is activated solely off my decisions.... but yes, the ER doctor AND the cardiologist have BOTH seen the EKG and spoken to me directly on the phone for our treatment plan... despite the fact that the cardiologist was the one to call the code STEMI despite all 3 of our uncertainties... now can I continue with my update or do you want to question me on my abilities some more?
Gah...almost as bad as the time the nurse receiving my report asked how I knew a leg was broken when I was coming in with a compound tib/fib. And yes, same nurse. She clearly has no respect for field personnel.
You really need to reel in that ego and inflated self importance.