the 100% directionless thread

I hate seeing (what I suspect is) a former poster from EMTLife spewing their crap on other forums.

Hey what I say on the "Who loves hello kitty" forum ain't no ones biz but mine.
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The related search suggestion is making me go "WTF?"

Oh that is just creepy. Imagine pulling those out on a first date.
Well, if you're pulling those out on a first date it would be fairly appropriate. After all, you're essentially saying, "Hello kitty."
Got my shift confirmation email from National Event Services for Bonnaroo.

Good afternoon,

You are scheduled for Bonnaroo during the following dates and times;

Friday 6/10, Saturday 6/11, Sunday 6/12 2000 – 0800

Please confirm either way if these shifts are still acceptable.

Thank you.

Gearing up for another excellent year.
Got my shift confirmation email from National Event Services for Bonnaroo.

Gearing up for another excellent year.

This sounds pretty fun. I've always enjoyed all the busy events we've done.

BTW, nailed the interview today, 78 people took the physical agility, 23 interviewed, and they're hiring 4.

The Chief talked across the table to the elected official sitting in and told him about how much experience I had teaching and how he'd have me involved in the training/CE programs they're putting together.

Very happy to be entering the 20 hr/wk working world again. :)

ETA: Not final yet, of course.
I would kill for some popcorn right now. Only problem is I have scoured the house and there is none to be found. Seeing as it is 2218, I don't feel like going to the store to get some.

So maybe I shall go to bed instead and dream of it.
A dialysis patient came to my work today, and I got to feel a thrill for my first time while asking him questions about dialysis. It was pretty cool.
I have decided that I enjoy the overnight shift more than the day.
We hit a bat last night. That's right, a bat.
Hey, since the world is ending tomorrow, what should we do to go out with a bang?


Nah people better remain calm. I work tomorrow from 1130 to 2330 and if crap hits the fan I'll be pissed lol

Nah people better remain calm. I work tomorrow from 1130 to 2330 and if crap hits the fan I'll be pissed lol

Well, I am on today from 0600-1800 and tomorrow from 0600-1800. If it looks like the world is ending, I am going to act outside my protocol and do a chest decompression. I really want to do one of those before we all check out of here. Lol!