the 100% directionless thread

HTC Evo4G.

Things with charging the EVO, first, after it is plugged in, put pressure on the top of the charge cord next to where it plugs into the phone. Two, flip the phone over. Three, after being plugged in, move it around a bunch of times, given three to four seconds each new position and wait for the light to come on. Four, get your third EVO and have charging issues like the second one did... wait, that's me.

I love this phone, but it does have quirks.
Things with charging the EVO, first, after it is plugged in, put pressure on the top of the charge cord next to where it plugs into the phone. Two, flip the phone over. Three, after being plugged in, move it around a bunch of times, given three to four seconds each new position and wait for the light to come on. Four, get your third EVO and have charging issues like the second one did... wait, that's me.

I love this phone, but it does have quirks.

I don't htink it's the charging that's having problems. It was fully charged almost when this happened. It's like it bricked and just won't turn on. I'm getting it swapped out after Wednesday's class in the city. If the second one does the same thing I'll just get a different model phone
Just a chance to stick my 2 cents in. I have been on lots of forums and never saw a thread 825 pages long. Not to say that EMSers are long winded though. Its just that we have a lot of important stuff to talk about.:)
Brown hates day shifts. Brown absolutely hates them. 5am is just too freaking early to even be out of bed.
Somehow thought picking up two extra shifts would be a good idea. Working eight days straight. I have 3 sets of uniforms.

Any tips for keeping the stank down?
Somehow thought picking up two extra shifts would be a good idea. Working eight days straight. I have 3 sets of uniforms.

Any tips for keeping the stank down?

wash every other day? ... lol?
Patient assessment is what I'm working on for class. Since coming here I've heard some about how our EMS system isn't that good, that there's issues, that people need more training. So I wonder for taking vitals, how much of it is of use, how standardized is it, will I read that its like protocols, there, but maybe not what I should be doing?

Pulse, rate, quality, condition.
Blood pressure, auscultation or palpation.
Respirations, rate, quality, condition.
Lung sounds, present, equality, condition.
Skin, color, temp, condition.
Pupils, present, equality, shape, light reactivity.
So I'm studying at my school's library and decided to take a quick look around as a study break. I ended up coming across a set of slides (for you youngin's, that's what was used before we had this fancy Powerpoint thing) comprised of 5 or 6 carousels for NAEMT PHTLS, dated 1988.
That lady reckoned the midaz we gave her was like drinking ten gin and tonics ....
Screwdrivers and ears don't mix...


Laughable at best.
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There's one, ill find it on next break

The AAOS Version? I think you are thinking of the one from "Informed Field Guides", which is a different one completely.
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Ugh, weird dreams.
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Whats wrong mate, dream about mushy bananas? :D

I wish. Nope. This time I was shot and my partner on the rig was knocked out and thrown in the river.

No clue where this came from.
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