the 100% directionless thread

Another year of quarterly NVG LINK training done, whoop whoop!

The patriot inside me wants to think this is some night vision training, but this being an EMS forum I doubt it.
The patriot inside me wants to think this is some night vision training, but this being an EMS forum I doubt it.
It is night vision training. When the sun goes down the NVGs come out to party.

LINK is just the online software that our company uses for quarterly training.
Anyway... this long rambling post is fueled by a little PRN Ativan and a cocktail to take the edge off. Life is too short to fight. I just hope we get through this quickly.

Ativan AND alcohol? My man knows how to party!!
Wanna do my LINK for me?
Oh, I have a lot of wants ...

A trench gun
Benelli m4
A couple more handguns
Barret .50
Long rifle...

A tank


I'd settle for PVS15s (and accompanying helmet), a suppressor without the wait, and a ATPIAL or a MAWL.
Can you gas passers and hospital folks give me the high points on the good and bad of terbutaline? It's now our first line med for asthma, but I vaguely remember learning that it had some unpleasant effects. Haven't had time to pull up my old resources from my UF course yet.
Making an assessment of the current situation. We have 6 people out on 14 day isolation. One presumed COVID-19 infected medic. A whole bunch of dedicated people working long hours and enough PPE to last about a month at the current burn rate.

Personally, I'm scared and anxious. I think we all are. It's a constant low-level hum in the background of everything we do. "Is this the day?" I'm going to be 50 this year. Not a geezer by any means, but still on the higher end of the potential of a poor clinical outcome should I get a dose of C19.

Ya know, I wasn't going to come back here. I was so disgusted by the post that triggered my angry reply that I figured I'd just say "see ya" to this place. And those of you that know me outside of here, the real me, know that I'm blunt and straight forward and don't suffer a fool gladly. And walking away from this group would be easy. Pizz me off and you're dead to me. But I've come to really like and respect a whole bunch of you and not being here left a bit of an empty spot. So instead I elected to use the ignore button and life is more peaceful.

Friends, this is a whole new world were in. Those of us that are writing policy and protocol are using the best research we have... but we're still making it up as we go. Be patient with your coworkers. They're all stressed and worried too. They may hide it under bluster and bravado... but they're worried too. In this climate, you'd be silly not to be.

And frankly, the argument over hazard pay is a silly one. If it's offered, we'd all take it. I still don't think we deserve it, but that decision is one I won't be making.

Anyway... this long rambling post is fueled by a little PRN Ativan and a cocktail to take the edge off. Life is too short to fight. I just hope we get through this quickly.

Okay. dats it.

I'm glad you are sticking around. I have always enjoyed your comments.

When the COVID-19 started to rearing it's head outside of China, I was concerned but thought I would be ok even if I got it. I am 60 with no medical conditions. I was sure if I got it I would quickly be done with it. But I'm starting to wonder now if that would be the case.
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Started the day with a kid with a diffuse axonal injury. Even trying to prevent secondary brain injury, getting rocked that hard just ****s anything there was. Ended with a regular I've taken for years that arrested. What a day, we earned our paycheck. Ready for my day off. Got a day full of meal prep, reading, and Xbox waiting for me.
When the COVID-19 started to rearing it's head outside of China, I was concerned but thought I would be ok even if I got it. I am 60 with no medical conditions. I was sure if I got it I would quickly be done with it. But I'm starting to wonder now if that would be the case.

Everyone wonders that and fears it to some extent because that's how the evolutionary process wired our psychology to work. As a result, we tend to focus on the worst case scenario even when it is the least likely of all outcomes by an overwhelming margin.

The media doesn't help. Twitter and Facebook are so full of emotional stories of young, healthy people suddenly getting critically ill and dying that you'd think that was the norm (it's not at all). And if young people are getting hit so hard, then us older folks must surely be doomed! Then we have the news outlets and their constant bombardment of sensational headlines and death tickers ticking away as if it's only a matter of time until your number is up.

The reality is that any of us can get it and have a bad outcome, just like any of us can get the flu or staph infection or cancer or get into an MVC and have a bad outcome. But none of those are statistically anywhere close to likely, and either is dying of C19. Even though the case fatality rates are clearly higher for older folks, we are still probably, when this is all said and done, looking at low single digits. What is much more likely is that you won't get it at all (a risk which you probably have a fair amount of control over), or you'll get it and your symptoms will be mild.

The chance of any given American dying from this is a very small fraction of 1%. None of us should let the fear of something really bad but really unlikely ruin our enjoyment of life. We all have enough stressors to deal with without letting this thing get too far into our head.
The media doesn't help. Twitter and Facebook are so full of emotional stories of young, healthy people suddenly getting critically ill and dying that you'd think that was the norm (it's not at all). And if young people are getting hit so hard, then us older folks must surely be doomed! Then we have the news outlets and their constant bombardment of sensational headlines and death tickers ticking away as if it's only a matter of time until your number is up

So true. My wife who is retired stays at home watching CNN non-stop with their damn death tickers. (she did the same thing with 911). Her anxiety level is increasing. Hoping for warmer weather so she will get outside and start interacting with the horses more.
So true. My wife who is retired stays at home watching CNN non-stop with their damn death tickers. (she did the same thing with 911). Her anxiety level is increasing. Hoping for warmer weather so she will get outside and start interacting with the horses more.
IMO that's about the worst thing a person can do. I used to be a huge news junkie and now I barely read the news because I realized that even in normal times, the constant bombardment of negativity and information that the establishment wanted me to see just wasn't good for me, or useful to me either.
IMO that's about the worst thing a person can do. I used to be a huge news junkie and now I barely read the news because I realized that even in normal times, the constant bombardment of negativity and information that the establishment wanted me to see just wasn't good for me, or useful to me either.

This. Stopped watching the news years ago for the same reason, instant improvement in life quality.