the 100% directionless thread

One of my first cardiac arrests as a cleared paramedic was a generously-sized (but not huge) older woman who had collapsed while on the toilet and become tightly wedged between the toilet and door of the small bathroom she was in. It was one of those old, Victorian-Style houses where the bathrooms are tiny and the toilet and sink and door are all really close together. Fire beat us to the scene by a good bit and had already had a guy climb in through the window because there was no way to open the bathroom door. He barely fit in the bathroom himself and he had a HELL of a time positioning her in such a way to open the door so we could drag her out. He was actually pretty shook up. Obviously no intervention took place for quite some time but we worked her for a few minutes and then called it. One of the more memorable calls in my career.
That just sounds like a logistical nightmare. That fireman definitely deserves tacos for finding a way to get the door open. The worst I've ever had to dig out was in the middle of a greyhound bus. Feet up on the window and head in the isle between my knees. It was by far the most ungraceful CPR I've ever done.
2 am semi truck fire fully involved carrying butane lighters. Fun times.
First ROSC I've had in a long time. Know ROSC is a lot of mental masturbation for agencies to bolster statistics, but feels good when it goes so smoothly in such tight quarters. Definitely the worst environment in terms of space and extrication I've had in quite some time.

Side note. A McGrath with an X3 blade and a bougie has become a fast favorite of mine.
I am a regular three person, though I think the X blade has its place. I once tubed a post arrest sitting side-saddle next to the patient in a tiny house and that's about the coolest I've ever felt.

The iGel worked fine time and his airway had no soiling so I had no qualms with leaving it. The ED doc used it for 20 minutes and then tubed him when they had sustained ROSC (the eighth return of pulses woof). He wouldn't let me use his McGrath, I shoulda brought mine into the bay!
I havent used the X-blade a ton, I think our guidelines suggest a bougie works best with the X blade, but I have/had issues using a bougie with any blade, though I have yet to actually need one using the Mcgrath.

In other news the wife suggested we remodel the kitchen. Did some measuring and estimating tonight. I need to find some OT.
How many times did you drive around the island?🤣🤣
This was pretty much just driving up and down the east (windward) coast a couple times lol. Our Battalion is like a long line of stations along the highway between the coast and the mountains

But I had to drive up and over said mountain into Town to start, pick up backboards at the trauma center, go to HQ for office supplies, back over the hill and go to all 9 stations dropping off supplies and what not.

What really killed it, made it long, was that there were a few pieces of equipment had to go to the storeroom for repair/replace, which involves driving back into Town, pass to the other side... and then they had 4 pallets worth of station supplies for the whole Bn they had me pickup as well that apparently BC wasn't tracking -_-

Luckily he only had me take them to Bn HQ, drop off half off them, I took the other half to the stations near mine, and then they let me finish off the holdover at my station for the full 12 hr OT shift so that was nice....

And today I got a 24 OT shift at a nice chill station, with one of our new trucks while someone else dropped off the last bit of supplies lol, today met my goal for OT for this pay period so all in all, fairly happy today hahaha
I am a regular three person, though I think the X blade has its place. I once tubed a post arrest sitting side-saddle next to the patient in a tiny house and that's about the coolest I've ever felt.

The iGel worked fine time and his airway had no soiling so I had no qualms with leaving it. The ED doc used it for 20 minutes and then tubed him when they had sustained ROSC (the eighth return of pulses woof). He wouldn't let me use his McGrath, I shoulda brought mine into the bay!
I used to use the 3 a lot, but I also like to rotate equipment and how I do it. I used to go Mcgrath 3 and preload as my go to. Lately I've done X3 and bougie only. Sometimes with a person assisting, sometimes just by myself. Other times I throw DL in the mix.

I miss the i-gel. We have been trialing it on sup trucks, but it hasn't been officially made our SGA of choice.
@Tigger X3 + bougie got it done again this morning. Maybe that extra angle isn't necessary, but I'll be damned if I don't have a high level of confidence in it.
From nothing more than some 1x4’s and 1x6’s to a nightstand. Not bad for my first woodworking project.


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I got a new memory foam topper and sheets for work today, I feel like I jinxed myself into not getting to try them tomorrow.
Damn that was a gnarly wreck right at the end of Daytona 500...