How many times did you drive around the island?

This was pretty much just driving up and down the east (windward) coast a couple times lol. Our Battalion is like a long line of stations along the highway between the coast and the mountains
But I had to drive up and over said mountain into Town to start, pick up backboards at the trauma center, go to HQ for office supplies, back over the hill and go to all 9 stations dropping off supplies and what not.
What really killed it, made it long, was that there were a few pieces of equipment had to go to the storeroom for repair/replace, which involves driving back into Town, pass to the other side... and then they had 4 pallets worth of station supplies for the whole Bn they had me pickup as well that apparently BC wasn't tracking -_-
Luckily he only had me take them to Bn HQ, drop off half off them, I took the other half to the stations near mine, and then they let me finish off the holdover at my station for the full 12 hr OT shift so that was nice....
And today I got a 24 OT shift at a nice chill station, with one of our new trucks while someone else dropped off the last bit of supplies lol, today met my goal for OT for this pay period so all in all, fairly happy today hahaha