Forum Deputy Chief
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Darn PODS truck broke down and couldn't deliver my POD today (yeah yeah yeah, coulda shoulda woulda ordered one sooner, but they need to go in the driveway not the street and until yesterday when my sister was visiting we had 4 vehicles fighting for driveway and curb space ha).....anyways for waving the delivery fee (like 2-300 bucks) I get to load my stuff into my pickup and drive 15 min to the PODs Storage Center where they ever so nicely set mine out to the side (forklifts are still working haha) so I can pretend it's a normal storage center and load my junk up into it manually like that....then they can still put it on the big truck to take to the port a few weeks from now to ship over to HI. Nice to know that's still an option, but kinda takes away from the main flexibility of having the thing in the driveway I can load up any time of the night I needed to (storage center is only open like 8am-7pm, plenty of hours to pack up one rooms worth of stuff into the 7'x7'x8' container, but still lol)