the 100% directionless thread

why is there so little about Tactical Medic programs? I'm trying to figure out school and how to make it happen. It is rather difficult to figure it out how I will make this happen, when there isn't that much information.

Because there is no uniformity in it. Some places the cops take a medic spend an hour or two with them explaining what they want and then they call them a tactical medic. Then there are schools from 2 days to 2 weeks long. Some places require you to be a cop to get it. So it is all over the place. Depends on what city you live in. Also normally they require you to be a Paramedic.
Argh. Trying to setup a day for me to go out to PEcos, TX.. but since my dads car just went to the shop, I've gotta wait and see when it'll be fixed before I can figure out when I can go.
L4L had the pleasure of sitting next to semi-non-attractive girl today, who kept telling him how she wants to go to medical school to become a dentist. Though she wants to be a D.O dentist, because D.O dentists are better than M.D dentists.

L4L told her he wants to go to Dental School to get his M.D or maybe his J.D. She still didn't get it.
L4L had the pleasure of sitting next to semi-non-attractive girl today, who kept telling him how she wants to go to medical school to become a dentist. Though she wants to be a D.O dentist, because D.O dentists are better than M.D dentists.

Dude, tell her you're a dentist and use big medical jargon you learned in medic school.

Talk about easy.

I went on spring break to Panama City Beach with some friends in April. We had this girl there who met a guy at a club. Guy was early 20's. Guy stated he was a surgeon. The rest of us told her it was impossible to be a surgeon at his age. Her reply? "He knew a bunch of big medical words to prove it though"

I started giving a patient report to her with my medical jargon.
Dude, tell her you're a dentist and use big medical jargon you learned in medic school.

Where I am here, there's only a wading pool. Stupid small town. But then again the place I'm looking at moving to isn't any better
Oh well, I need money more than I need a girl to make things difficult :p
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Where I am here, there's only a wading pool. Stupid small town. But then again the place I'm looking at moving to isn't any better
Oh well, I need money more than I need a girl to make things difficult :p

Always best to live in a town away from your girlfriend.
Got dispatched for a patient with "elevated o2 sats". I called in on the radio to confirm.

Me "please confirm the nature of the call"

Dispatch "patient with elevated o2 sats"

Me "Received, show us headed to a patient breathing normally. "
Where I am here, there's only a wading pool. Stupid small town. But then again the place I'm looking at moving to isn't any better
Oh well, I need money more than I need a girl to make things difficult :p

NM just cant get it right my man, thats why I vacation to TX so much! Haha Don't you just love those SW flights that continue on to TX? New Mexicans know what I am talkin about haha
NM just cant get it right my man, thats why I vacation to TX so much! Haha Don't you just love those SW flights that continue on to TX? New Mexicans know what I am talkin about haha

Heh, I live in the largest county in NM, one of hte smallest cities. I went ot HS here and know there's no pool here. If I get to move to tX soon, I'm in the same boat though :p

There's only good options in TX if you're in a place with more than 4k people there :)
Pie Town? haha