the 100% directionless thread

Resisted the urge to give somebody a LMGTFY today. I feel good about myself.

gurney van
Gurney van -- so just you driving and a patient on a stretcher?
(I'd rather be doing a backboard sweep...less time dealing with people ;))
[accidental double post]
Gurney van -- so just you driving and a patient on a stretcher?
(I'd rather be doing a backboard sweep...less time dealing with people ;))
Well that's what they're calling it, a gurney van. In reality it's simply one of our old reserve van-bulances with 4 old gurney piled up in the back, used to take over patient care from crews holding the wall at hospitals so the gurney van can put up to 4 crews back onto the road. Since I'm currently half crew, one of our Supervisors is here to relieve another crew using the vans gurneys.

But yeah I think I'd rather be cruising to the different hospitals checking for boards vs purposefully going to hold the wall haha
Well that's what they're calling it, a gurney van. In reality it's simply one of our old reserve van-bulances with 4 old gurney piled up in the back, used to take over patient care from crews holding the wall at hospitals so the gurney van can put up to 4 crews back onto the road.

Huh. That's kinda confusing - so you take four (stable BLS) patients off their hands to let them go back into service? C'est la L.A., I suppose.
Yeah right now it's me and the Supe each taking 1 patient ('cuz this particular ER has two sections and he doesn't quite feel comfortable with us separating and leaving a pt alone to grab the other two gurneys, which makes sense, so we're only relieving two crews at a time). I just got one patient into a bed and immediately took another patient off another crew so me, the guy who's half crew and can't run calls can hold the wall while field crews go back in service rather than stack up here.
All of the hospitals in Savannah are currently on divert. This was the wrong way to pick up OT.
Do they rotate? Our hospitals used to rotate when they were all at capacity depending on the patients complaint/ criteria met.

We only have one trauma center, so they would go on what was known as Trauma Activation Only (TAO). It would kill me when I would see crews bring every step 3 (discretionary) trauma in to them even though they weren't required to.

Now everyone is always open, unless there's an internal disaster, in which they have to get permission from our county EMS department.
Nope. All on full saturation. They go on divert when they are bursting at the seams. We have a level 1 trauma and a couple of smaller 3s in SAV. The outlying counties have community hospitals that funnel to Savannah. (Or Jacksonville or Atlanta). But, from the way it looks now (and the night I've had so far) anything major is getting an airship tonight.

Oh, we don't step our trauma activations. It's either all or nothing. Which, frankly, is utter BS.

Manwiches/ sloppy joes on me tonight fellas ;). My culinary skills show no bounds!!

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I almost made a sloppy Joe casserole yesterday.
I'm grilling bacon wrapped flank steaks seasoned with salt, pepper, and some garlic salt.
I almost made a sloppy Joe casserole yesterday.
:eek:. well mine was rather sarcastic since the fiance makes these elegant meals, and here i am, throwing sht in a pot. lol
I also cant do that when my grills covered in snow and its like 15 degrees out cal :(
Sloppy Joe's are a Sloppy No Go for me, however, I do enjoy a casserole of the Hamburger Helper variety.
Sloppy Joes are the best thing evah. Especially with tater tots.
Bleh, after however many hours and going thru 4 different patients off of crews, finally got the last one off the gurney, no other patients from outs left....and 2 runs from our company came in, and two more after I've taken over pt from one of them -_-
Oh dear God I am having a legitament emergency! The coffee maker is broken!

Sloppy Joe's are a Sloppy No Go for me, however, I do enjoy a casserole of the Hamburger Helper variety.

My idea of "cooking" involves either a casserole dish or the crockpot. I do have to say, though, that I've made some pretty tasty stuff in those things. My cheesy meatloaf ain't too shabby if I do say so myself! ;)
My idea of "cooking" involves either a casserole dish or the crockpot. I do have to say, though, that I've made some pretty tasty stuff in those things. My cheesy meatloaf ain't too shabby if I do say so myself! ;)
anything that has more then 5 steps is fiance territory, she does that for a living and is dam good, i put sht on a grill, or put **** in a pan. I'm a simple man... or a monkey. idk