the 100% directionless thread

I'm contemplating going back to school to finally complete my second associates degree that has been "in progress" for years.
Gotta love bumpin' hard enough on our one day in the system instead of our station each pay period for dispatch to hear you.


Well looks like I'll be in Wyoming for a couple days in late August and flying out of Denver.

I'll be in Boise for a couple of days flying out of Denver.
Tonight may just have been one of the wildest nights of my life.
That's an understatement
I know the Houston metro has almost as many craft breweries as abq. I can bet where you arw has tons lol
Don't worry. Texas has plenty to choose from
True... But where am I going to get my green chile lager? Lol
Although those growler stores in Houston with 70+ beers on tap that you can get in your growler are pretty amazing
Trying to decide if taking an $8-$10k pay cut is worth it. Going from a system with 150,000+ calls a year to 30,000 would be nice. Cost of living is also a lot less. DECISIONS
Trying to decide if taking an $8-$10k pay cut is worth it. Going from a system with 150,000+ calls a year to 30,000 would be nice. Cost of living is also a lot less. DECISIONS
Is the cost of living different enough that your take home pay would be comparable? It's hard to put a price on happiness too.
Trying to decide if taking an $8-$10k pay cut is worth it. Going from a system with 150,000+ calls a year to 30,000 would be nice. Cost of living is also a lot less. DECISIONS

My wife took a new job with over a $30k pay cut. She is a happier person now. Just need to make a few adjustments on what to spend money on now. Come to think about it. Where did all the extra money go?
Note to self: Do not start an upgrade to Windows 10 when you are ready to go to bed. I didn't stop to think that it could take an hour...........or TWO!!!
Trying to decide if taking an $8-$10k pay cut is worth it. Going from a system with 150,000+ calls a year to 30,000 would be nice. Cost of living is also a lot less. DECISIONS
Benefits package? Retirement? When you say the cost of living is less, does this mean less taxes, cheaper home prices/rent, both? If the pay is less because the local cost of living in less, does this mean that you would only be able to afford to stay in that area, or would you still make enough to be in the average place in the rest of the country? Just something to consider; then there are all the standard department specific things to think about...
Trying to decide if taking an $8-$10k pay cut is worth it. Going from a system with 150,000+ calls a year to 30,000 would be nice. Cost of living is also a lot less. DECISIONS
Same general area?

I probably would, just for the sanity.
Benefits package? Retirement? When you say the cost of living is less, does this mean less taxes, cheaper home prices/rent, both? If the pay is less because the local cost of living in less, does this mean that you would only be able to afford to stay in that area, or would you still make enough to be in the average place in the rest of the country? Just something to consider; then there are all the standard department specific things to think about...

Still trying to iron out the details, the guy I need to talk to will be back in on Monday. Utilities and rent are a lot less, still no income tax. It also seems like an easier place to get my medic, as the only close place around here that I can get financial aid for almost makes it impossible for ATC employees, though doable.

The people I know that used to work their speak highly of it, and their friends that are still there are still happy. Will probably decide in the next few months once I know everything I need to know and think it over.
Middle of nowhere Texas pretty much

On a separate note. Had my first arrest in a couple months this morning. That's about 15 in 10 months.:eek:
AMR acquires RM. Interesting.