the 100% directionless thread

Off to PCB for spring break... haven't been to Florida in nearly a decade :wacko:

13hour drive... should be interesting.
2 home work assignments and 4 research tests, plus 80 hours and then i'll hit up some NREMT-I85 CAT... followed by applicatoin to ACC EMT-P certificate course. Will start at semester 3 cardiology, finish with advanced clinical practice (4th semester) and clinical capstone (5th semester).

its nice to see these career ladder rungs actually moving!
Still trying to figure out how it makes sense that my EMT-I cert won't let me get an IV certification in Colorado... But if I had a ten hour certificate from my hospital saying I was certified to do IV therapy I could get one.

I'm getting married!! :) :) :)
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Headed to Coyote Ugly for a couple of hours, then a piña colada foam party.

Last night in PCB
silly silly boys. back off I'm not a hoe(to use a "nicer" word)

Just because he's not around doesn't mean I'll act like he doesn't exist. That's not how I work. So I'd appreciate it if you back off and leave. K thanks see ya :P lol

Oh the never ending amusement I get. it keeps me entertained
Last night was opening night of the school play. I think it went pretty well for as unprepared as we were.
There's a 3 hour period last night where I have no recollection at all...

I'm NEVER like that.
Neuroanatomy and Brochmann needs to die.