the 100% directionless thread

This makes for long night.....

Background: 1) Brought two slices of homemade pizza to work tonight for dinner. And 2) partner tonight is not a regular partner.

Story behind why this shall be a long night: After taking the baton from the day crew and doing the truck check, I go to stick my pizza in the microwave. This ensues:

Partner (P): Don't use the microwave.

Me: Say what? Why not? It worked just the other day.

P: It's bad for you. You know that?

Me: Well possibly. There are theories.

P: Oh it is bad for you. It's been proven beyond all doubt that microwaves actually use radiation to cook your food.

Me: Yes they do. Electromagnetic radiation. Same thing coming out of that light bulb, just a different wavelength.

P: Nope, that's light from the light bulb. The microwave uses real radiation, like from a nuc-yuh-ler (emphasis on the mispronunciation) bomb. It is really a huge plan by the government to destroy the molecular structure of our food. It will give us all cancer if we use them. That way the whole medical system that cares for cancer patients can stay in business, because if they go out of business, they can't support the government any more.

Me: *cue stand there with dumb look on face*

P: It's all true. You can find all the information to support this online. And there is proof that Romney's company heavily invests in companies that make microwaves. What do you have to say to that?

Me: "Ummmmmmm.....nothing really. That's interesting."


Sounds like some of the Greenpeace activists that demonstrated outside of the base I was stationed at a while back.

"The U.S. Navy stores nuclear weapons in it's reactors in order to recharge them."

I love arguing with people like that.
This makes for long night.....

Background: 1) Brought two slices of homemade pizza to work tonight for dinner. And 2) partner tonight is not a regular partner.

Story behind why this shall be a long night: After taking the baton from the day crew and doing the truck check, I go to stick my pizza in the microwave. This ensues:

Partner (P): Don't use the microwave.

Me: Say what? Why not? It worked just the other day.

P: It's bad for you. You know that?

Me: Well possibly. There are theories.

P: Oh it is bad for you. It's been proven beyond all doubt that microwaves actually use radiation to cook your food.

Me: Yes they do. Electromagnetic radiation. Same thing coming out of that light bulb, just a different wavelength.

P: Nope, that's light from the light bulb. The microwave uses real radiation, like from a nuc-yuh-ler (emphasis on the mispronunciation) bomb. It is really a huge plan by the government to destroy the molecular structure of our food. It will give us all cancer if we use them. That way the whole medical system that cares for cancer patients can stay in business, because if they go out of business, they can't support the government any more.

Me: *cue stand there with dumb look on face*

P: It's all true. You can find all the information to support this online. And there is proof that Romney's company heavily invests in companies that make microwaves. What do you have to say to that?

Me: "Ummmmmmm.....nothing really. That's interesting."


This alone demonstrates the necessity of a well rounded education...
You should ask them if we really did land on the moon.
What causes global warming.
If its better to use a BVM or mouth to mask and why...

Updates forthcoming....... Installment two later tonight or possibly tomorrow. :D
I vote we think of awesome topics for discussion with L&S partner.

So far we have the moon landing and global warming. How about compact florescent lights, wind turbine sickness, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
Keep them coming. Global warming was already shot down.

"I don't believe in global warming. It's just a bunch of numbers put together by the government to scare people into submission."

On to the moon....or something.
Cell phone radiation, point-to-point microwave towers, WiFi, and the whole HAARP conspiracy theories.

Plus the whole CS-137 from the Japanese reactor accident, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island....not to mention other less well know incidents like SL-1 in Idaho.

Throw in dental and medical X-rays, and it's a wonder we don't already have mutant super powers.

But if you really want to get his goat, tell him that a microwave is the most energy efficient method for heating food. Using other methods takes more energy, which causes more pollution, and therefore is worse for you and the environment. You can then say you are using the microwave because you want to protect the environment.
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Screw cell phone radiation, what about the government using your cell phone camera to record your every move?
Screw cell phone radiation, what about the government using your cell phone camera to record your every move?

I was just pointing out all the other ways that we are constantly bombarded with microwave and other radiation sources 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Don't forget, all natural sources of food are inherently radioactive, just like our bodies are.
Screw cell phone radiation, what about the government using your cell phone camera to record your every move?

Ever wonder why the government mandates vaccination for children now? Microchips...

You've been warned America.

Edit: added for children
I was just pointing out all the other ways that we are constantly bombarded with microwave and other radiation sources 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Don't forget, all natural sources of food are inherently radioactive, just like our bodies are.

I know, that was why I mentioned electromagnetic hypersensitivity. I meant it like "forget about radiation, think of all the other cell phone conspiracies".
Darn she went to sleep. Rumor of an IFT is coming through. So I'm going to try to grab some sleep before that. If we get it, I'll probably pick up where we left off on the return. :D

Don't worry. This all started at 1800. There shall be plenty to report.....
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Waiting in an airport again...
On this date in 1955, Doc Brown hit his head on the edge of his sink and invented time travel.
There's a radio show here in DFW that often promotes their charity for fallen police and firefighters, never any mention about EMS. Because of this, I emailed them, challenging them as to why EMS is excluded.

Their defense back is if I run a charity myself and that they don't support private organization employees... even after I showed them several EMS agencies in the area that are government employees.
There's a radio show here in DFW that often promotes their charity for fallen police and firefighters, never any mention about EMS. Because of this, I emailed them, challenging them as to why EMS is excluded.

Their defense back is if I run a charity myself and that they don't support private organization employees... even after I showed them several EMS agencies in the area that are government employees.

When's the last time an EMT was killed in the line of duty for anything actually job related? (Not MVAs or intrinsic diseases suffered by the person)

Sorry but being shot at and running into burning buildings is a little more high risk than picking up grandma because she has diarrhea.
When's the last time an EMT was killed in the line of duty for anything actually job related? (Not MVAs or intrinsic diseases suffered by the person)

Sorry but being shot at and running into burning buildings is a little more high risk than picking up grandma because she has diarrhea.

Haven't you seen the first episode of Chicago fire?! :rofl:
I agree w/ you to a point.
Which I will describe later, learning about evolution and Darwin.
Haven't you seen the first episode of Chicago fire?! :rofl:
I agree w/ you to a point.
Which I will describe later, learning about evolution and Darwin.

None of the EMS providers, who happen to be dime-piece women, have been killed line of duty on Chicago Fire...