the 100% directionless thread


Forum Deputy Chief
Anyone ever do that thing where you just wonder through wikipedia one link at a time? Last night I went from supernovas to denim (or something like that) by way of magnesium, the catholic church, an F-22 Raptor, tornadoes, SD cards, chicken fried steak, the history of poker and much more!

I had a slow night at work last night I guess.


You have my stapler
Anyone ever do that thing where you just wonder through wikipedia one link at a time? Last night I went from supernovas to denim (or something like that) by way of magnesium, the catholic church, an F-22 Raptor, tornadoes, SD cards, chicken fried steak, the history of poker and much more!

I had a slow night at work last night I guess.

Welcome to the ADHD curse of Wikipedia. I may start out looking up the Battle of the Wilderness and end up on the history of dildos...


Forum Chief
I'm not really interested on being on the forum much anymore but I have to vent somewhere.

Today my partner has:

picked up smoke ball fireworks and asked me if I like smokey balls

Handed me a rainbow flag when we were at the flea market and said I should buy it since I'm a lesbian (I am not BTW)

Described in detail why Latin women have such nice butts. Points them out to me and badgers me about them trying to get me to say they're nice.

Told his girlfriend on the phone that I like black people (??)

Asked me if I had hemorrhoids.

Asked me if I liked anal.

Blew a noise maker in my ear.

And got offended when I mentioned I described him as old.

I'm thisclose from demanding to go home. But I need the hours. I am however going to talk to my supervisor when we get back. I'm tired of being walked on and being partners with whoever they want to stick me with.

He is so obnoxious and inappropriate that it is NOT funny in the least.

I have not egged it on at all.

He also cocked an attitude with me then I cocked it back and he blows up at me.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk


Forum Deputy Chief
I'm not really interested on being on the forum much anymore but I have to vent somewhere.

Today my partner has:

picked up smoke ball fireworks and asked me if I like smokey balls

Handed me a rainbow flag when we were at the flea market and said I should buy it since I'm a lesbian (I am not BTW)

Described in detail why Latin women have such nice butts. Points them out to me and badgers me about them trying to get me to say they're nice.

Told his girlfriend on the phone that I like black people (??)

Asked me if I had hemorrhoids.

Asked me if I liked anal.

Blew a noise maker in my ear.

And got offended when I mentioned I described him as old.

I'm thisclose from demanding to go home. But I need the hours. I am however going to talk to my supervisor when we get back. I'm tired of being walked on and being partners with whoever they want to stick me with.

He is so obnoxious and inappropriate that it is NOT funny in the least.

I have not egged it on at all.

He also cocked an attitude with me then I cocked it back and he blows up at me.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk

Holy hell... This is harrasment and way inappropiate. I wouldnt wait to talk to the supervisor. If this was happening with one of my crews id want to know immediately.


Forum Chief
Holy hell... This is harrasment and way inappropiate. I wouldnt wait to talk to the supervisor. If this was happening with one of my crews id want to know immediately.

I am always so iffy because I worry I am being too sensitive. Because I know that's how some guys just are with other guys. But I'm not a guy and I don't want them to think I'm pulling the woman card. I don't want to be perceived as a whiner and I think I already am by dispatch because I complained about another partner.

I hate to complain about people in general but I'm so fed up with this.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
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Forum Lieutenant
Handed me a rainbow flag when we were at the flea market and said I should buy it since I'm a lesbian (I am not BTW)

If its consolation I have had to work with two very nasty butch lesbians who are not liked by other members of the watch or ED staff

Unfortunately one is on the LSU ambulance (what you call ALS) so is inescapable

What you describe is beyond just giving a bit of stick as we all do at work; it's pretty immature and not something you should have to put up with, if it came down to it I doubt the union would be quick to support him either!

Also I am never doing overtime again. this is what happens when you mix red watch with brown, who get all the poo, you get some sort of maroon poo, new year poo, ewww.


Forum Angel
If its consolation I have had to work with two very nasty butch lesbians who are not liked by other members of the watch or ED staff

Unfortunately one is on the LSU ambulance (what you call ALS) so is inescapable

What you describe is beyond just giving a bit of stick as we all do at work; it's pretty immature and not something you should have to put up with, if it came down to it I doubt the union would be quick to support him either!

Also I am never doing overtime again. this is what happens when you mix red watch with brown, who get all the poo, you get some sort of maroon poo, new year poo, ewww.

Union? Funny.


The Truth Provider
I'm not really interested on being on the forum much anymore but I have to vent somewhere.

You know you can't stay away from me.:p

Those comments/questions by your partner are not acceptable.


Forum Deputy Chief
I am always so iffy because I worry I am being too sensitive. Because I know that's how some guys just are with other guys. But I'm not a guy and I don't want them to think I'm pulling the woman card. I don't want to be perceived as a whiner and I think I already am by dispatch because I complained about another partner.

I hate to complain about people in general but I'm so fed up with this.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk

That isn't complaining, that would be reporting borderline sexual harassment.

As a former part time supervisor, not only would I want to know something like this ASAP, I would be passing it up the chain as fast as I possibly can. I would never see reporting some of those things as "pulling the woman card." And in fact, if I saw some of those things between two other people at work, I'd be reporting it myself.


Forum Lieutenant
Playing Hitman on xbox abd posting about it to random internet strangers in downtime .... man I feel sooooo normal
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Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
I am always so iffy because I worry I am being too sensitive. Because I know that's how some guys just are with other guys. But I'm not a guy and I don't want them to think I'm pulling the woman card. I don't want to be perceived as a whiner and I think I already am by dispatch because I complained about another partner.

I hate to complain about people in general but I'm so fed up with this.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk

There's a reason you get stuck with this guy, it's because you don't complain about it. Everybody else probably has him on their no fly list. This guy sounds over the top you need to report it asap.