See, that right there is the ignorance most people have. Automatic association of tattoos with a certain grouping of people. Get out of living in the past. I know more doctors and nurses that have more visible tattoos than paramedics in my system.
So in other words it's cool for me to display that firemen and police should have professional standards in regard to tats, but making the same notion about EMS/RNs/MDs gets under your skin?
I see you only quoted part of my statement.
Is that because you didn't make it on with FD or PD and went with one of those? If you're going to call me ignorant for my simple stated opinion then I'm going to call you out. I don't care enough to actually explore your posts to see what it is you are or do, but I can assure you that the majority of persons feel the same as I do.
Which is not in opposition to tattoos, but rather a proponent of professionalism. Professionalism is
conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a
profession or a
professional (Merriam-Webster).
What do you not understand about neck tattoos not being a quality, aim, or conduct of a person placed in a position of public trust?!
When you blink while starting an IV on a patient your eyelids should not read "get money" (example).
Do you get that?
Or are you just upset that I don't think a person with that social outlook should be in this field?
I'm trying my darnedest to not make this personal. Because you don't represent my organization, and from your posts about this topic I am somewhat relieved.
EVERYONE has the right to their individuality. But on that same token is that everyone also has the responsibility to maintain uniform standards and a professional demeanor.
That is the way of this world and this field of public service. I would like to see a public poll (not a EMTLIFE poll) with pictures with that of the likes of the tattooed doctor to display tangible results of a compare/contrast picture of the same person. One with their art out on display and one with the same individual in turnouts, a lab coat, an officers uniform, a gas station attendant, etc...
Would you like to venture a guess of the ones most likely to be rated higher on a scale of: trustworthiness, likability, suitability, etc? Obviously, I'd like a poll of the general public, not poll with a sample bias of teenage girls and tatted up rock stars.
It's reality- not ignorance. It's not taboo; it's unprofessional. This job demands the "look" of professionalism, regardless of your disdain for that fact.
Have you ever heard that it doesn't matter how great your skills are to a patient, but rather how you make them feel.? Or a variant of that.
Appearance holds the same weight for the traditional EMS provider role. It just is what it is.
We can't even get over the color of people's skin without largely being biased, rioting, making every thing a racial debate in this country. Do you honestly think that hand and face tattoos on public servants who are held in high public esteem is going to get a pass at this point in time?
It's like the guy with "murderer" on his neck that killed someone, and then complained and had his lawyers argue that he could not recieve a fair trial due to his appearance. Like, for real?! You make your bed, lay in it.
Teedub, I'm sorry to be so long winded, but I'm trying to come up with reasonable points to possibly sway your opinion, but now I realize after all of that typing that it probably doesn't matter what anyone says - you've (probably) already committed to your stance on the issue with an everlasting mark on your flesh, in the form of a neck tattoo.
You wanna get all inked on your own time, fine. But not on the clock, and keep it in your personal life and off the job.