suicide response

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I am currently in the process of trying to start a specific unit responsible for responding to all calls related to suicides (threats, attempts, and deaths). i curious to know what I would need to do in order to work with police and ems on this matter and how would i go about getting the privilege to have lights and sirens in my car. Also who would i have to speak to in order to make this happen?
Are you police, fire, or EMS?
From the wording I'm assuming none of the above
This is a service best left to trained emergency responders. If you would like to provide spiritual support to family and friends affected by suicide or untimely deaths, many agencies utilize volunteer chaplains. I suggest calling your local agencies, speaking with a duty officer and offering your services. Don't be surprised if your offers are kindly rejected.

Also, there is no need for lights/siren in your personal vehicle.
From the wording I'm assuming none of the above

That's what I'm thinking.

We try to limit the number of people and if your not police or medical then your chance of being let on scene is 0.

Your chance of putting lights and sirens and your car are also a 0 unless you want your car to be impounded.
as of now im not any of the previous mention. I have worked in an ambulance corp as a driver. im more looking to change the way response to suicides are treated. as a kid i suffered from suicidals thoughts and the response to my threats and attempts were extremely innapropriate. i was escorted out of school in hand cuffs for something i said in a online message. ive learned that the same methodes are being used. i in no way critize police or ems for this as neither of the two organization are trained in dealing with an emotional issue. i specificly want and have worked in that area. i understand that not all suicidal issues are and emotional one as mentally ill people attempt and commit suicide. that is why i want to work with police and ems to get the appropriate care and response for and issue that has not only plauged my life but plauges our country and suicide rates are at an all time high and continue to rise each year. aside from trying to gain information from this group i hope to also earn your support as i have much respect for everything that you all do.
I agree that EMS & LEOs don't always respond compassionately / competently to psychiatric emergences, especially suicides. However, as others stated, there's essentially zero chance of additional 'special' personell being utilized for these situations as you're suggesting. When someone calls 911 for a suicide related emergency, the primary goal is not to provide psychiatric or emotional support - it's to ensure the safety of the patient and bystanders.
as of now im not any of the previous mention. I have worked in an ambulance corp as a driver. im more looking to change the way response to suicides are treated. as a kid i suffered from suicidals thoughts and the response to my threats and attempts were extremely innapropriate. i was escorted out of school in hand cuffs for something i said in a online message. ive learned that the same methodes are being used. i in no way critize police or ems for this as neither of the two organization are trained in dealing with an emotional issue. i specificly want and have worked in that area. i understand that not all suicidal issues are and emotional one as mentally ill people attempt and commit suicide. that is why i want to work with police and ems to get the appropriate care and response for and issue that has not only plauged my life but plauges our country and suicide rates are at an all time high and continue to rise each year. aside from trying to gain information from this group i hope to also earn your support as i have much respect for everything that you all do.

Your best bet would be to talk to the police Captian and EMS Captian. But more then likely that will not help.

Going on to scene is a good way to get arrested for obstruction of law enforcement.

We don't spend extra time on scene for suicide attempts. We treat it as any normal call.
im more looking to change the way response to suicides are treated. as a kid i suffered from suicidals thoughts and the response to my threats and attempts were extremely innapropriate. i was escorted out of school in hand cuffs for something i said in a online message. ive learned that the same methodes are being used.
without knowing all the details, but it's very likely you were taken out in handcuffs because they thought you were a danger to yourself or others. if you are a danger to others, you are place in handcuffs so you can't hurt anyone else. it's completely appropriate. This is when the protection of the rest of the world is more important than the mentally disturbed individual. the only reason you feel otherwise is because you were the one in handcuffs. I can assure you, if you were the victim of a mentally ill person, you would want them secured by law enfocement.
i in no way critize police or ems for this as neither of the two organization are trained in dealing with an emotional issue. i specificly want and have worked in that area. i understand that not all suicidal issues are and emotional one as mentally ill people attempt and commit suicide.
EMS is trained to deal with the transport of mentally ill people, not dealing with the metal issue. most of the time they just need a ride to the ER. if they are violent, or a threat to others, they are taken in restraints with law enforcement ensuring safety for all involved.
that is why i want to work with police and ems to get the appropriate care and response for and issue that has not only plauged my life but plauges our country and suicide rates are at an all time high and continue to rise each year. aside from trying to gain information from this group i hope to also earn your support as i have much respect for everything that you all do.
become a screener for a crisis center or psych hospital. I don't know what their requirements are, but typically it's a bachelors or masters degree.

you won't need any emergency lights or sirens on your vehicle.
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im not disagreeing that trained personal should be the only ones on scene. but by saying that you are also saying you shouldnt be on scene either as none of you have training certification or any significant understand of how to "talk someone off the ledge". im not trying to be combative or disrespectful i am simply extremely frustrated at how i was treated in the past. im haunted by the fact ive lost 5 very close friends that shared the same pain as i have. the most disheartening this of all is that the responsive im getting isnt of support to fix a failed and broken system, but rather im getting the sense of a "we are the professionals you have no place in our world" and im sorry to say i dont accept that. i thank you all for your input and im sorry if any of this upsets you as it was not my intent. if anyone has any helpful information that can help me pursue my goal of stopping the amounts of suicides i am more than open to hearing them. thank you for your time
without knowing all the details, but it's very likely you were taken out in handcuffs because they thought you were a danger to yourself or others. if you are a danger to others, you are place in handcuffs so you can't hurt anyone else. it's completely appropriate. This is when the protection of the rest of the world is more important than the mentally disturbed individual. the only reason you feel otherwise is because you were the one in handcuffs. I can assure you, if you were the victim of a mentally ill person, you would want them secured by law enfocement.EMS is trained to deal with the transport of mentally ill people, not dealing with the metal issue. most of the time they just need a ride to the ER. if they are violent, or a threat to others, they are taken in restraints with law enforcement ensuring safety for all involved.become a screener for a crisis center or psych hospital. I don't know what their requirements are, but typically it's a bachelors or masters degree.

you won't need any emergency lights or sirens on your vehicle.

i wonder if u would say the same thing if you child was hurting about something and instead of getting help and support they got cuffed and "escorted" (put in a police vehical where criminals belong) to a hospital. it is very clear to me that this was said with no understanding of human emotions
I'm not saying the training I received in psychiatric emergencies is substantial enough to make me an expert (or useful for that matter). However, please understand that every EMT and Paramedic receives some basic and formalized training in handling these types of situations.

You haven't mentioned if you've had any sort of crisis training, but just having gone through something vaguely similar is not enough to allow you to participate in these emergencies. If you have no formalized training, no one else will have any idea of how you will handle a situation, making it so we cannot prepare for the potential outcome.

If EMS and police shouldn't be on scene with these patients, who should?
i wonder if u would say the same thing if you child was hurting about something and instead of getting help and support they got cuffed and "escorted" (put in a police vehical where criminals belong) to a hospital. it is very clear to me that this was said with no understanding of human emotions
If my child was violent, hitting people, hurting people, or threatening to hurt others, than I would expect my child to be placed in handcuffs for transport. He can run free in the hospital, but being in a confined space with an unrestrained violent person is generally a recipe for trouble.

You might not like to hear it, but the back of a police vehicle is the best way to transport violent people. it's for the safety and best interests of everyone else, not the violent person. Even if they are going by ambulance, if they are violent, very often they are going in handcuffs.

If your child was acting aggressively, threatening to hurt others, and the PD didn't properly restrain him, and while in custody he was able to seriuosly hurt my child, I would be contacting my attorney to sue you as the family responsible, as well the the department for not doing their job. And probably try to go after the officer's job too
And that is that...

I think the all the advice given to the OP; to contact local agencies, volunteer with a crisis center and obtain additional education are all good suggestions, but this is now straying far off topic and going nowhere fast.

We wish you well with your endeavor to work in this area, but this topic will now be closed.
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