Suggested livery/graphics/paintjob for an ambulance [plus off topic question]

Is it just me, or does that fire apparatus look like is 80 percent plastic?
I could see the plastic melting, but I have seen a photo of a Queensland Ambulance that was set alight and it's plastic bumper was the only thing not melted.
AMR concept vehicle

well AEV and AMR have sunk alot of money into this very topic. they have gotten away from the checkers and solid colors are best according to them. check the link for their current demo unit.
AMR concept vehicle

well AEV and AMR have sunk alot of money into this very topic. they have gotten away from the checkers and solid colors are best according to them. check the link for their current demo unit.

I'm sure they have, they have most likely come up with this pattern idea becuase it's more appealing to the average american and provides ok high to ok visibility. When I think American Ambulance design it looks like the AMR Ambulance
I love the brandenburg pattern, I wish more american ambulances used it. Most places around here are just getting rear chevrons

Also, that lady cop has a ton of stuff on her duty rig. Future lower back problems right there
I love the brandenburg pattern, I wish more american ambulances used it. Most places around here are just getting rear chevrons

Also, that lady cop has a ton of stuff on her duty rig. Future lower back problems right there

A little off topic, but yeah the belts are a single main cause for medical leave in the police force, so they are testing new vests, they did have the option of vests in the past but a lot of cops did not want to wear them becuase they kinda looked like oversized bra's
I love the brandenburg pattern, I wish more american ambulances used it.

Actually, it's the Battenburg pattern...

Here's a picture of a Sprinter from a service I used to work for, many moons ago.

best ambulance design EVER:


the also have this one:

ooh and an elk:

and a buffalo!!
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No offence taken, I think most american ambulances are hideous,

Erm, When you say that do you mean ambulances form America or the company American Ambulance.
Erm, When you say that do you mean ambulances form America or the company American Ambulance.

I do think most USA ambulances are pretty bad looking, I know i'm generalising and some ambulances looking amazing, but most of them in see on the internet and on tv are ugly.

p.s. those ones posted above with wild cat and other animals on it are pretty darn cool
AMR concept vehicle

well AEV and AMR have sunk alot of money into this very topic. they have gotten away from the checkers and solid colors are best according to them. check the link for their current demo unit.

AMR Pikes Peak (Colorado Springs, CO) is transitioning to these units. They are on Ford E series chassis and not Sprinters, but the box and paint job is the same. Personally I think that paint scheme looks awesome. It's not as visible as the battenburg no doubt, but it sure beats the typical AMR scheme. The rear is completely covered in chevrons as well. The interior is well done too, five-point harnesses everywehre and seats instead of a bench. Powerlift stretchers, an all LED lighting package that doesn't induce seizures but is still visible, and space for two/three providers in back are other niceties.


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I think ambulance decals/lighting should be a standard colour so that everywhere one goes one can easily recognise it for what it is, not these things covered with wildlife or hello kitty boobies that I look at and wonder what they hell they are, A circus ambulance full of clowns?

I suppose though that if the DOT tries to regulate ambulance colourings it would impinge on the Freedom of Expression in the constitution. :rolleyes:
I think ambulance decals/lighting should be a standard colour so that everywhere one goes one can easily recognise it for what it is,

How about white with an Omaha Orange stripe, a large blue star of life and block lettering that says AMBULANCE.


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How about white with an Omaha Orange stripe, a large blue star of life and block lettering that says AMBULANCE.


Sounds reasonable to me.