Stress relievers


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Everyone here knows that EMS can be, and normally is, a very stressful job. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Therefore, everyone has their own way of relieving stress and tension or just get your mind off of something. I want to know what you do after a long shift, hard call, etc...and please remember that each station has different protocol for what you can and cannot do on duty.
Examples: Eat food, work out, drink (off duty), smoke (on or off duty), sleep, read, etc...

Here, smoking seems to be a regular thing for anyone of legal age since it is permitted for us. Some drink socially or heavily off duty. I personally like to run to clear my mind, but a cig. every now and then helps.
The best thing I've found for stress control is to get one of those squishy smiley balls, and squeeze the heck out of it's little frickin' face.

Also yoga. It's a great for your muscles and very calming.
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The best thing I've found for stress control is to get one of those squishy smiley balls, and squeeze the heck out of it's little frickin' face.

Really? hahaha. That thing would piss me off. You can't destroy it. I'd be like. Grrrrrr. GRAWHHHHH!
Sorry, could not find the exact source but a few years ago researchers did a study on medics as what stress modifiers that they practiced. The number one stress reliever was sex followed by some form of exercise and close was watching t.v.

R/r 911
The best thing I've found for stress control is to get one of those squishy smiley balls, and squeeze the heck out of it's little frickin' face.

Also yoga. It's a great for your muscles and very calming.

hahahaha I love those squishy smiley balls lol. I have a thingy made of water and gel and it is fun to squeeze. ^_^

And I do martial arts. I personally need something where I can truly physically vent, but yoga sounds relaxing. A few people here do that as well.

Sorry, could not find the exact source but a few years ago researchers did a study on medics as what stress modifiers that they practiced. The number one stress reliever was sex followed by some form of exercise and close was watching t.v.

R/r 911

LOL Sex doesn't surprise me. Exercise and TV are things you can do on-duty though so I can see why they'd come in close behind.
I used to go with my partner to the range on our mutual satudays off. Other than that spending time with friends and family and away from other EMS people is a great way to unwind for me. In the summer I like to fish or go to my parents and lounge at their pool with a couple beers.

I drink but I don't drown my sorrows either. I also don't smoke, neither does anyone in my family. Although there are a few alcoholics in my family.
I drink but I don't drown my sorrows either.

I agree. Getting wasted doesn't really help... and sometimes you become a patient lol. It's one thing to drink to relax some, it's another to intentionally get completely drunk.

If only more people knew that....
Hard metcon PT at the station, bugging out with inappropriate, non PC joking, practical jokes, and watching movies together at the station are our staples. Taken, Five Fingers, and Traitor are highly recommended. We like to play "Office Linebacker" at times. Not the tackles, due to high injury potential, but we'll sneak up on one another and shout Wooooooooooo! a-la Terry Tate. It's fun to scare the :censored: out of each other. It gets you all tingly and stuff.
I agree. Getting wasted doesn't really help... and sometimes you become a patient lol. It's one thing to drink to relax some, it's another to intentionally get completely drunk.

If only more people knew that....

I think that once you get past 30 y/o, heavy drinking will only make you extremely tired, and you'll feel like crap the next day, with a longer recovery time.
working out/swimming usually will relieve ALOT of stress

drinking beer socially

like to smoke a cigar every now and then
Hmmm.... Nothing more peaceful and relaxing than paddling Moose River during a sunset.

Am I one of the few people who didn't find EMS all that stressful? You do what you can to the best of the abilities and the pieces will fall where they lay.
Ask 10 people what the best way to relieve stress is and you will likely get 10 different answers. The best advice is as long as your release is not harmful to you or anyone else then do what works for you. For me to tell you to do what I like to do is like saying that my methods are the only ones around. Just do thongs you like to do that are relaxing for you.
Just do thongs you like to do that are relaxing for you.

I never found thongs all that relaxing, a little uncomfy but I do enjoy seeing certain others in them...
Jeeps (offroading and working on), motorcycles (riding twisties and working on), shooting firearms, shooting photography, paintball, swimming, biking, hiking...

Yea, I think that's my list :D
I never found thongs all that relaxing, a little uncomfy but I do enjoy seeing certain others in them...

You're just wearing the wrong size. Thongs can be very comfortable.
Am I one of the few people who didn't find EMS all that stressful? You do what you can to the best of the abilities and the pieces will fall where they lay.

It is not necessarily EMS that is stressful. I was talking in general terms. He asked for stress relievers to get your mind off something, and there are times that yes it's stressful. I find I get more stress from bad partners than I do from anything else related to the job and it's either hit them, or squeeze my little happy ball. My little happy ball doesn't come with a battery charge so to this point I have chosen him over violence.
As I said, seeing others in them is more enjoyable...thanks for have my email address and I am very stressed right now.

As to the OP, there are tons of things to do, just have a hobby or life outside of the job and that is all it takes...drinking and smoking are not hobbies. :)