Star of Life / EMS clothing when off duty... Tacky or just being proud?

I do have a hoodie that says

"EMS air goes in and out, blood goes round and round. Any deviation is a bad thing"

I won't wear that out of the house lol
I don't wear any of that stuff listed when I'm not at work or EMT class.

Very rarely will I ever wear one of my Fire Explorer Fire Academy shirts but when I do I have a jacket over it.

Pretty much all of my clothing is Fox Racing or The Chive shirts.
I got a Tough Mudder vollie shirt last September, but unless I get some tats and a pierced facial appendage I think the big death's heads and title are going to stay in my yard. Plus it's baby blue.
I cringe when people wear stuff that advertises "LOOK AT ME!!! I'M A _____________" (insert any job/profession there). It just looks tacky, and it's not exclusive to EMS/Fire. ANYONE who advertises their job like that is just silly.

The ONLY thing I have along the lines of apparel like that is a "medical" charm on my Pandora bracelet. It's one of a dozen other charms I have on that bracelet, along with a camera, airplane, suitcase, initials of my kids, etc. So I kinda consider that to not be nearly as obnoxious as a loud t-shirt.
I think its so tacky and embarrassing. Even I feel like a douche when I see someone else wearing that whacker gear. Silly
Tacky, save the hero apparel for fire. I remember after I got back from, Afghanistan all the tacky shirts guys had would put anything ems has to shame. All the fobbits were counter terrorism experts apparently, with eagles, apaches and blazen american flags to prove it.
It is tacky(in my mind). You look like a wacker and it looks like you are inflating your self-esteem/ego by wearing all this 'buff' apparel.
Nobody cares what you do for a living. We aren't as cool as we think we are to the public.
You couldn't pay me to wear ANY Fire or EMS stuff off duty.
But that's me. If it floats your boat, go for it.

Like others have said, where do you ever see other jobs displaying what they do for a living via clothing?
Only in public safety. Fire is the worst. EMS second. Law enforcement a far, far distant third.
Take a stroll along any boardwalk in the summer...
I find myself wearing fire/ems logo stuff, that I've acquired through working, when I'm busy doing errands. No one trips, I'm just buying food, toilet paper, and buying stuff at Pep Boys. I'm not trying to show off, I just grabbed something clean.
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I like to rock the Tapout, Skin, Metalmulisha, RVCA, and all the cool logo clothes. It matches my lifted F-150 and phony CSFA sticker.
I like to rock the Tapout, Skin, Metalmulisha, RVCA, and all the cool logo clothes. It matches my lifted F-150 and phony CSFA sticker.

You cant forget Fox racing and Monster energy drinks logos either
To wear something with a small Star of Life logo is no different than wearing something with "The NorthFace" or "Fox racing" logo. It's the big print tacky slogans items that bug me. My opinion of people wearing such always seems to go down when I see that stuff.
I don't see nothing wrong with wearing something with the star of life on it. Something that is not distasteful. But I also know people with tatoos of the star of life that I am not fond of. I have a yellow reflective ems jacket I wear to work but if I am in a hurry to get out of the house and it's cold outside I will grab it out of convienace (sp) and warmth
I don't see nothing wrong with wearing something with the star of life on it. Something that is not distasteful. But I also know people with tatoos of the star of life that I am not fond of. I have a yellow reflective ems jacket I wear to work but if I am in a hurry to get out of the house and it's cold outside I will grab it out of convienace (sp) and warmth

I have a star of life inside a flaming Maltese cross tattooed on my right deltoid. It was meant to be a combination fire/EMS tattoo but it comes off as just EMS to most people.

It isn't obnoxious with any sayings on it nor is it in plain site.

Since it turned into more of an EMS tattoo I think I am going to use my right arm as a timeline of my career with FDNY. idk what to get next though. Sorry getting off topic.
NYMedic828: I'm sorry I should have been more clear. People with tatoos that are obnoxious I am not fond of. I know one gentleman that had a skull and bones on fire with the star of life on his hand.
I find myself wearing fire/ems logo stuff, that I've acquired through working, when I'm busy doing errands. No one trips, I'm just buying food, toilet paper, and buying stuff at Pep Boys. I'm not trying to show off, I just grabbed something clean.

"You cant forget Fox racing and Monster energy drinks logos either".

HEck yeah! Toss me a Buckhorn longneck, will ya!
I like to rock the Tapout, Skin, Metalmulisha, RVCA, and all the cool logo clothes. It matches my lifted F-150 and phony CSFA sticker.

My husband wears Tapout shirts. I tease him mercilessly when he wears them.***.jpg
I think the OP is asking about non-uniform EMS attire... I never wear uniform attire off the clock; then again, all my uniform shirts have collars, and I will live in a comfy t-shirt.Me neither.

I try to avoid wearing it to/from work too, or covering it well if I need to make stops (gas, grocery store, the like).
Its winter, so I'm frequently wearing the black knit cap that the fire department got for the members. It just has FIRE-EMS embroidered on it. Mine happens to be embroidered in pink. I also see other department members wearing theirs around. I don't think its tacky.
I have a handful of shirts of the like, one says "Feel safe at night, sleep with a Paramedic". My family keeps buying them for me. I wear them quite often, but I use them pretty much strictly as under-shirts. There are exceptions.

It's clothing. I don't really care one way or the other.