Specific Training Cost Questions


Forum Deputy Chief
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Please do not expand on these questions.

Just put the amount that is common for your area or you state.

I am collecting data as I have to write a proposal for a project and I need this for comparison purposes.

Cost of First Responder:
Length of class:

Cost of EMT Basic:
Length of class:

Again, please I stress, no tangents, no deviation...only give 4 simple answers if known.

Thank you for your time.
EMT-Basic $1400 choice of 3 month or 3 week same price
$1025 online 6 months allowed

ECA - Texas First Responder $575 online 4 months allowed
1100 including book and uniform (but not workbook)

work at your own pace, minimum time is 8 days including clinicals and "skills bootcamp"

online. training division.com (this is with the caveat that you could do all of their tests and homeworks instantly)

do you want price for intermediate as well?

First Responder
Cost: $350 including textbook
Length: 3 Months

Cost: $1480 + $65 for background check + HPSO Insurance Fee
Length: 9 Months

Cost: $4,300 + Background Check + HPSO Insurance Fee
Length: 1 Year on top of EMT-IV school.
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North Carolina

Cost of First Responder: $175 + clinical fees (around $30)
Length of Class: Varies (listed at one school as 1.5 months, but public safety organizations often hold the classes themselves and accelerate them)

Cost of EMT-Basic: $175 + clinical fees (around $30)
Length of class: 2-4 months (summer classes run about 2 months, and semester classes run ~4, though these can also be accelerated if a fire agency is holding the course for their members)

Notes: The state subsidizes these classes, which is why they are so cheap, and current emergency personnel can have the class fee waived (if you become "affiliated" with a fire station or ems system before the classes, you can take everything through paramedic for free in the con-ed system). In some counties the class can be taken without clinicals, as these are not required by the state, so that would remove what I labeled as the "clinical" fee.
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EMT Basic cost- $750.00 without book.

Length of course 100hrs. Broken into two nights a week four hours each, and a few Saturday's for eight hours.
Orange County, CA
EMT- $40 ($120 including books), 130 hours.
ECA (MFR) in my area can be done in a semester at the local CC in their "First Aid" class for ~$200

EMT, at the same school, is also in a semester at the cost of $300.
New York

EMT-Basic 700-900 -4 days a week 3 months or 2 days a week 6 months
EMT-Critical Care- 1200-1400-once per week 10 months
EMT-Paramedic-5500-9000-10 months 4 days a week or twice a week 15 months
LA/ Orange county CA

FR: none


ROP: $40, +uniform shirt, +livescan; Time: 1 semester

Community College: $100, +uniform shirt, +livescan Time: 1-2 semester

Private: $800 all inclusive, Time: 3-7 weeks
Southern Indiana

EMT-B = $1,800.00 +/- Inclusive

4 - 5 months