Special Events


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Does anyone here work at special events, such as sporting events, music festivals/concerts or do charity work. like the revlon run/walk or similar? how would one go about getting into that?
It is easy to do.

When your company is hired to standby, when your county/city is requested to standby or when your volunteer organization is asked to standby, you tell them you are available.

Very easy...
I've done medical for marathons and other events through SAR.

In addition to working events through a standard EMS company, there are companies out there that strictly do events.

I've also seen one-time opportunities posted on our statewide EMS listserv.
Thanks everyone! I just recently got certified and am ready to not only work, but also to volunteer for experience to better myself and my skills.
I expect i'll probably do a few shifts with the Red Cross at the state fair next month. Its nothing terribly glorious, but i'll have mad bandaid skills by the time i'm done, and who knows, maybe the giant ferris wheel will explode and we'll have an MCI...did I say that out loud :)
Look into the Medical Reserve Corps for your area. In Vegas they handle alot of events. I would also look into orvs lime Special Olympics...they always need medical support.
I expect i'll probably do a few shifts with the Red Cross at the state fair next month. Its nothing terribly glorious, but i'll have mad bandaid skills by the time i'm done, and who knows, maybe the giant ferris wheel will explode and we'll have an MCI...did I say that out loud :)

hahaha same here. A lot of band-aids for blisters. It can be intimidating at some events for some reason when you start though. :blush:

Worked a horse show alone once and was a little nervous when the horses would buck or act up.
I do sporting events, music events, running, biking, social events, etc. Our ambulance company do so many events in our region, it's insane. We do between 2-5 events a week. Last year donated over $1 million to the community with EMS since we go in to these events and cover them for free. I love it though! So much fun to meet and help new people.
We have ongoing education due to this. Like mass casualty and search and rescue.

Definitely look in to it. You'll receive a lot of good training.