Here is a better example.... a group of volunteer firefighters, ages 18-21, are friends, and decide to go on a trip, with camping, fishing, and a decide to make a small camp fire. They also end up having a few beers, and are wearing department T-shirts identifying them as members of the FD (because that's what they do), and take pictures of their trip, including the holding of said beers. A captain from another station (who is friends with them on FB), sees the pictures, and makes a note of it, and brings it to the attention of their lieutenant, who blows him off, saying "I'll talk to them about it next time I see them." Sensing the brush off, the original captain, reiterates his issue, that he is notifying a supervisor that there are underage members of this department, wearing department apparel, consuming alcohol, and they have posted pictures of themselves consuming alcohol on social media.
What do you think the appropriate response should be from the department?
And keep in mind, the whole situation could have been avoided if said pictures were never posted to social media.