
One Confused EMT

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So I couldnt find any info or opinions on this show. So I thought I would make a thread.

What does everyone think of Sirens? The somewhat new EMS show on TV.

It seems somewhat lacking in medical accuracy in some ways but it is a fun show to watch nonetheless.

I've not watched it as of yet. My favorite medical shows consist of House M D, and E R. To add to those are of course Chicago Fire, but the best is still Rescue Me :-)

I liked it. It's not stunning television and the actual EMS parts aren't particularly well done, but I liked the characters and the writing. A good netflix show.
I just got done watching season 1 over the last few days. I rather enjoyed it, actually. It kind of reminded me of Scrubs, which was one of the few TV shows I've ever really followed.
I think the show is okay. Not great, not bad... watchable. Recommend you give it a try. :)
Not a fan.
What does everyone think of Sirens? The somewhat new EMS show on TV.

It's good for a quick laugh.

I just got done watching season 1 over the last few days. I rather enjoyed it, actually. It kind of reminded me of Scrubs, which was one of the few TV shows I've ever really followed.

We did the same. I've also been watching a lot of documentaries so Sirens was a good way to lighten things up a little.

They say Scrubs was one of the most medically accurate shows ever on TV.
I loved it. thought it was hilarious. the characters were very similar to what I have seen in inner city EMS.

the medicine is ehhh, but I enjoyed the show.

I've seen the British version too; I enjoy the american version more, it's defiantly funnier than the British.
The medicine was undoubtedly weak. But it is a fun show to watch. Definitely has some likable characters.
If you watch it to follow the medical accuracy. You'll hate it. Think of it this way. It is exactly scrubs, but in an ambulance.
I watched the pilot episode last night. It seemed like they were trying to fit as many one liners as possible into the shortest amount of time. Felt like they were trying too hard to be funny. Don't think I'll watch any more.
Good comedic relief show overall. Worth the download or stream for sure, if you happen to have a lighter side and don't take things to seriously.
I gave up a long time ago on watching TV to watch medicine (outside of documentaries). I can see enough of that at work.
I gave up a long time ago on watching TV to watch medicine (outside of documentaries). I can see enough of that at work.
I've watched a few more episodes now, it's growing on me.

But yeah, after watching them repeatedly shock asystole without bothering to do any chest compressions.........yeah.
It's ok. If it's on tv I'll watch it, but I would not pay for the season and I wouldn't record it.